Ein Mann hält ein Papierflugzeug aus einer Weltkarte in die Höhe

Master double degree programs

Double degree programs offer you the unique opportunity to earn two degrees simultaneously– one from WU Vienna and one from a renowned partner university abroad. These programs are designed to enhance your global perspective, expand your academic experience, and boost your career prospects.

Students are in the staircase and have a chat. They are talking about the double degree programs at WU.

Key Facts

  • Two academic degrees: After successfully completing the program, you are awarded an academic degree from WU Vienna and another from the partner university.

  • International program: As double degree program student, you spend half of the program abroad. The double degree program ensures the equivalence of courses completed abroad.

  • Tuition fee waiver: While studying abroad, you are not required to pay tuition fees at the partner university.

  • Intercultural experience and personal development: Integration into the regular academic program at the partner university makes it easier to get to know fellow students, and spending a year abroad supports your personal development.

Structure and prerequisites

Program structure and general information


Within the official application period, you can apply online via this link.

Select the double degree programs you wish to apply for and rank them according to your preferences.

Application period

Application documents

Application process

Announcement of the results

Current double degree options at WU Vienna


Master's program Marketing

Master's program Strategy, Innovation, and Management Control

Master's program Business Communication

Confirmation of academic achievement abroad

How does credit transfer work?