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marketmind Best Thesis Award 2017

The marketmind Best Thesis Award was given to the best master's theses of the MSc Marketing program. Now for the third time, the best master's theses of the graduating cohort of WU's MSc Marketing…

Cooperation with Procter & Gamble!

Case study on a new brand introduction! By presenting the recent launch of a brand new Gilette product, Procter & Gamble shared valuable insights from the world of marketeers at our kick-off event.…

Welcome and welcome back!

We wish all students a good & succcessful start into the new semester! Christina Holweg (Program Director) Astrid Oberhumer (Program Manager)

Tatiana Karpukhina receives Talenta Award 2017

Tatiana Karpukhina received a Talenta Award 2017. This award is given annually to the three best master theses at WU. The title of Ms. Karpukhina's master thesis is “Adoption of entomophagy in the…

Eva Melcher

Former Talenta Winner Eva Melcher strikes again

Eva Melcher wins German Market Research Award with her master thesis about NFC-based payment


The MSc Marketing Club is very happy to announce its redesigned and amazing hoodie. You want to make sure to get one for yourself? Then be quick and sign up until Tuesday, the 16th of May!

MSc Marketing Club launches new event series

On Thursday, 4th of May 2017 the MSc Marketing Club proudly launched its new event series „Marketing Meets ...“. The first event was all about Start Ups & Entrepreneurship and - of course - the role…

Tourism Research Award 2017

MSc Marketing scores at Austrian Tourism Research Award

Congratulations to Sabrina Engel and Gudrun Prückler who won the tourism research award "Tourissimus" in the categories Cities & Destinations and Tourist Industry despite tough competition.

high tech

Hands-on experience in high-tech marketing

In the course “High Tech Marketing” students had the possibility to work on the market entry strategy of four start-ups.