Hintere Außenansicht des D2 Gebäudes


Benchmarking is a versatile tool for evaluating and presenting data that can be used in a variety of types of analysis. The heart of this process is the systematic comparison of selected key performance indicators (KPIs) The goal is to present any differences, deviations or developments that may exist and, consequently, to point out possible inefficiencies and optimization potential. The objects of analysis are mostly organizational metrics, such as revenue, costs or efficiency comparisons. Comparisons between organizations on their impacts (for example on the quality of life of customers or on employee satisfaction) are very rare but very significant in terms of content. In addition, there are special benchmarks, such as salary comparisons.

From a temporal perspective, the comparison may, on the one hand, include several related key figures at a given time (e.g., a tariff comparison for a given multi-carrier performance in current year). Alternatively, the comparison may be made over time and reflect changes in a particular period of time (e.g., the evolution of the number of members in a specific organization in the last five years).

The graph below shows one way of presenting the KPI utilization rate of selected senior citizens’ residential and care facilities in the period 2015 to 2017. While in Facility C occupancy over the three years of observation has remained relatively stable, Facility F registers an increase of 5 percentage points in the second year of observation. In the following year, occupancy at this facility fell again by 10 percentage points. Facility D has continuously comparatively lower workloads. At best, countermeasures should be applied here.

The NPO Competence Center regularly carries out benchmarks within the framework of studies and on an assignment. Essential for an inter-organizational benchmark is the trust of all participating organizations in the integrity and independence of the implementing agency. This is guaranteed at the NPO Competence Center.

Reference Projects


Mag.Dr.rer.soc.oec. Christian Grünhaus

Christian Grünhaus

Academic Director, Senior Researcher (prev. Schober)
Responsibilities: Work and research focus: Evaluation, SROI analyzes, financing, donation behavior, job satisfaction and motivation, care for the elderly, care for the disabled and accessibility