Hintere Außenansicht des D2 Gebäudes


[Translate to English:] Evaluierung des NPO Unterstützungsfonds

Evaluation of the NPO support fund

The final report on the evaluation of the NPO Support Fund was published by the Institute for Nonprofit Management at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. The report was produced in…

[Translate to English:] IBV

The Impact Blueprint

The Impact Blueprint is the world’s first guide for young people on how to make a living, doing something that you love, all while making the world a better place. Over 10 episodes, Martin, Social…

[Translate to English:] Visual

Save the Date: NGO Academy Keynote on Mass Radicalisation

Mass Radicalisation on the Rise? How the Extreme Fringes Have Exploited Social Media and Conquered the Political Middle. Join us on January 15, 2025, from 6.00-7.30 pm (CET) for this online keynote. …

[Translate to English:] CLPU at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Civil Society Leadership Programme 2024

The Civil Society Leadership Programme, CLPU for short, took place for the first time this year and lasted for two intensive weeks. From 14 to 23 October, the NGO Academy welcomed twenty leaders from…

[Translate to English:] Mapping

New report on the social innovation ecosystem in Austria published

Social innovation is a broad term, even in a small country like Austria. With the following report, SI plus aims to provide the most up-to-date overview possible of actors, measures and support…

[Translate to English:] AGAPE 24

AGAPE Meeting 2024

Last week, as part of AGAPE24, we had the honour of hosting representatives from European research centres and the philanthropy sector who came together here in Vienna to discuss their future research…

[Translate to English:] SIA Community Voting

SIA 2024: Community Voting & Award Ceremony

The Social Impact Award Community Voting 2024 is LIVE and you are invited to vote! For over thirteen years, the Social Impact Award has supported young, creative minds in developing their innovative…

[Translate to English:] C.Plakolm und C. Grünhaus im PK am 21.8.2024

Zivildienststudie 2023 – Erste Ergebnisse bei einer Pressekonferenz mit Claudia Plakolm im Bundeskanzleramt vorgestellt

Christian Grünhaus hat am 21. August 2024 im Bundeskanzleramt den Zwischenbericht des Projektes „Der gesellschaftliche und ökonomischen Nutzen des Zivildienstes in Österreich 2023 und seine Bedeutung…

[Translate to English:] ISTR

16th ISTR Conference in Antwerp

“Crisis After Crisis After …: What About the Third Sector?” is the aptly chosen title and guiding question of this year’s 16th ISTR conference in Antwerp, Belgium. Nonprofits, social enterprises and…

[Translate to English:] Selma Sprajcer

Lohn statt Taschengeld

Our colleague Selma Sprajcer was a guest on Ö1 (ORF)!