WU Campus

Library for Law


The Library for Law collects literature from all fields of law and legal studies. In accordance with the key research areas of WU’s academic units, the collection focuses on the following topics: public law, civil and business law, employment and social security law, European and international law, economic criminal law, intellectual property law, tax law, and financial law.

In addition, special literature on tax law can be found at the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law.

The Library for Law provides access to a collection of legal literature (print books and print journals) in the field of Central and Eastern European Economic Law (FOWI).

The library currently has a total of 80,000 books and active subscriptions to about 320 print journals.

Library Use/Loans

WU staff can use two self-service checkout machines and a return box to borrow materials from the Library for Law 24/7. Codices and books from the legal textbook collection can only be borrowed by WU students.

WU students and external library patrons may not borrow books but may use them in the library. A reference collection with the most important reference works for all legal subjects is always available in the reading room for all user groups. For this reason, these reference books cannot be borrowed by scientific staff either.

There are four color scanners which can be used free of charge. You can save the scans as PDF, TIF, or JPG files on an external storage device (USB flash drive, external hard disk drive, memory card).

Library Guide for WU Employees

Library for Law
Library for Law

Tables of content

Selected tables of content from our print journals and essay collections.

Technical Equipment/Infrastructure

130 workplaces
1 accessible workplace
14 PC workstations
9 project rooms
4 color scanners
2 self-service checkout machines
1 payment machine
1 earplug dispenser

Plan of the Library for Law

Library for Law D3 Map

Opening Hours

see Opening hours calendar


Front desk
Tel: +43 1 31336-5745
Library staff

Dr. Barbara Lindsberger
Head of Special Libraries
Library Head of Library for Law: Organizational matters
Tel: +43 1 31336-5529
Email: barbara.lindsberger@wu.ac.at

Mag.iur. Livia Neutsch, BA
Library Head of Library for Law: Content related matters
Tel: +43 1 31336-4917
Email: livia.neutsch@wu.ac.at


WU (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
Library for Law
Building D3
Welthandelsplatz 1
1020 Vienna