WU Campus

Central Library

The Central Library in building LC is the first place to turn to for students who are searching for academic literature. Its pleasant, quiet environment is particularly ideal for independent study.


The WU textbook collection is located on level 3. Books published from 2004 onward are available on levels 5 and 6. These books are shelved by topic, following the RVK classification system. Books published before 2004 and theses completed at WU (diploma and master theses, dissertations) are stored on level -2. These works are not shelved by topic.

More information on books.


The Newslounge on level 4 offers the latest issues of business magazines and Austrian and international daily newspapers. The current year’s issues of academic journals and bound volumes of periodicals by year can be found in the periodicals section on level -2.

More information on journals.

Library Use/Loans

Most of the holdings are freely accessible and available for borrowing. Journals and newspapers cannot be borrowed.

More information on borrowing.

Library Information

Ask the staff at the Library Information desk on level 2 in the Central Library if you need any assistance with your literature searches or have any questions on how to use the library and its services.

Find out more about our opening hours here.

Tel: +43-1-31336-4990
Email: library@wu.ac.at

Technical Equipment/Infrastructure

1,600 workplaces
78 PC workstations
10 color scanners

Opening Hours

Opening hours calendar


WU (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
Central Library
Building LC
Welthandelsplatz 1
1020 Vienna