The Library maintains a collection of about 680,000 books and about 130,000 eBooks.
The WU University Library is not only the largest economics and business library in Austria, it also ranks among the most extensive libraries of its kind in the German-speaking world. The WU Library collection focuses on business and management, economics, law (particularly business law), information systems, mathematics and statistics, economic geography and economic history, sociology, and business education.
Printed Books
The WU University Library's collection of printed volumes is stored at two branch locations that focus on different topics and disciplines.
You need a WU student ID card or a library card to enter the libraries and to borrow materials. Please use the WU Catalog to search the WU Library collection for printed books.
Support on searching for books in the WU catalog can be found in the WU Library’s eLearning program.
Search and Download
To find eBooks use the WU Catalog. In general our eBooks are of PDF-documents which can be donwloaded and/or printed.
Support on searching for eBooks in the WU catalog can be found in the WU Library’s eLearning program.
Our electronic resources (databases, eJournals, and eBooks) can be used by WU students, faculty, and staff as well as all other WU library patrons. For details on available access options, please see the table below.
WU students, faculty, and staff | External library patrons | |
Campus | onIn the IT Services computer labs via Wi-Fi on your own computer and in the self-study areas | On the PCs in the WU librariesNon-affiliated persons may use materials on-location in the library. |
off Campus | VPN | Remote access viaNo remote access |
Please note that due to licensing agreements some of our databases (especially law and finance resources) can only be used by WU students, faculty, and staff. Special conditions may also apply to using the resources via remote access. For details, please consult the description of each individual database.
eBook Collections
Business, Economics & Social Sciences
Brill | Reference Works | |
C.H.Beck | Beck eLibrary |
Duncker & Humblot eLibrary |
Edward Elgar | Elgaronline |
Nomos eLibrary |
Oxford University Press | Oxford Academic | |
Springer Nature | SpringerLink | |
Verlag Österreich | BiblioScout |
Wolters Kluwer | Digital Book Platform |
Law eBooks are also included in the following databases:
Beck-Online |
Juris |
Kluwer Arbitration |
Lexis 360 |
LinDa - Die Linde Recherchedatenbank |
RDB Rechtsdatenbank |
RIDA - Rechts-Index-Datenbank |
Working & Discussion Papers
Centre for Economic Policy Research (UK) | CEPR Discussion Papers |
National Bureau of Economic Research (USA) | NBER Working Papers |
Our electronic resources are provided exclusively for purposes related to studying, teaching, or research at WU, or for personal use. Third parties are not permitted to use the electronic resources, and the resources must not be passed on to any third parties either. It is also strictly prohibited to use the resources for commercial purposes, to download content from the resources systematically or through automated systems, and to republish any content from the resources provided. These provisions also apply to external platforms, in particular artificial intelligence systems, that make it possible for third parties to store content from the resources and use it at some point in the future.
In the event of a violation of these rules, WU may disclose the infringing user’s contact data to its contractual partners or block the user from accessing the electronic resources. Any costs and damages resulting from claims made against WU because of infringements of the rights of third parties caused by a user shall be borne by the individual responsible.
Due to specific licensing regulations, access to certain resources may be limited to WU employees and WU students, or granted only under specific conditions, e.g. on-site access from library premises only.