WU Campus


Library Director

Nikolaus Berger, MBA
Library Director
+43 1 31336 4910 | nikolaus.berger@wu.ac.at

Maria Winkler

Dr. Maria Winkler, MSc
Deputy Library Director
Head of Media Management
+43 1 31336 6162 | maria.winkler@wu.ac.at

Daniela Stoyer

Daniela Stoyer
Library Head Office
+43 1 31336 4901 | daniela.stoyer@wu.ac.at

Reader Service

Operation of the study areas in the Central Library, book loans and returns, library cards, campus delivery service, shelf management, physical processing of volumes, and technical services

Silvia Köpf
Head of Reader Service
+43 1 31336 4084 | silvia.koepf@wu.ac.at

Elisabeth Lang, BA
Deputy Head of Reader Service
+43 1 31336 4941 | elisabeth.lang@wu.ac.at

Margit Bauer
+43 1 31336 4929 | margit.bauer@wu.ac.at

Brigitte Deimel
+43 1 31336 4825 | brigitte.deimel@wu.ac.at

Birgit Grünwald
+43 1 31336 4081 | birgit.gruenwald@wu.ac.at

Andreas Habermayer-Sandner, BA
+43 1 31336 4909 | andreas.habermayer-sandner@wu.ac.at


Mihaela Hubert, BA
+43 1 31336 ​4916 | mihaela.hubert@wu.ac.at


Katharina Meyer
+43 1 31336 5408 | katharina.meyer@wu.ac.at

Wilhelm Sagmeister, B.A.
+43 1 31336 4908 | wilhelm.sagmeister@wu.ac.at

Johannes Torker

Johannes Torker
+43 1 31336 6450 | johannes.torker@wu.ac.at


Nada Yasin
+43 1 31336 0 | nada.yasin@wu.ac.at

Collection Management

Collection development (Central Library), subject cataloging and classification of resources, electronic publishing, open access (ePubWU repository), research data management, development and operation of special collections

Dr. Michael Katzmayr (Head)
Subject librarian: Economics and Business Administration
Liaison librarian: Information Systems and Operations Management
+43 1 31336 4930 | michael.katzmayr@wu.ac.at


Mag. Karin Bitzan
Subject librarian: Economics and Business Administration
Liaison librarian: Marketing | Strategy and Innovation
+43 1 31336 4939 | karin.bitzan@wu.ac.at

Christa Fellinger

Mag. Christa Fellinger
Subject librarian: Pedagogy
Liaison librarian: Foreign Language Business Communication
Textbook Collection
+43 1 31336 4224 | christa.fellinger@wu.ac.at

Mag. Barbara Imlinger
+43 1 31336 4996 | barbara.imlinger@wu.ac.at


Ruth Kreuz, MSc
Subject Librarian: Economics and Business Administration Liaison librarian: Economics | Global Business and Trade Digital Collections
+43 1 31336 4926 | ruth.kreuz@wu.ac.at

Alice Kristl

Mag. Alice Kristl, MSc
Subject librarian: Intercultural Communication; Romance, Slavic, English Linguistics
Liaison librarian: Foreign Language Business Communication; Textbook Collection
+43 1 31336 4119 | alice.kristl@wu.ac.at


MMag. Eva Maria Schönher
Subject Librarian: Economics and Business Administration, Social Sciences
Liaison librarian: Management
Digital Collections
+43 1 31336-4956 | eva.maria.schoenher@wu.ac.at

Mag. Thomas Seyffertitz (Deputy head)
Subject Librarian: Economics and Business Administration
Liaison librarian: Finance, Accounting & Statistics
Research Data Management
+43 1 31336 5049 | thomas.seyffertitz@wu.ac.at

Electronic Publishing and Open Access

Getraud Novotny

Mag. Gertraud Novotny, MSc
Subject librarian: Economic History
Research Data Management
Electronic Publishing and Open Access

+43 1 31336 4913 | gertraud.novotny@wu.ac.at

eResources and Serials

Licensing, procurement and support of specialist databases, business and financial information systems, eBook packages, electronic and printed journals; Consortium tasks; Open Access (publishing agreements, publication funds); Library statistics

Mag. Georg Fessler
Head of eResources and Serials
+43 1 31336 4085 | georg.fessler@wu.ac.at

eResources Management


Mag. Otto Bartl
Deputy Head of eResources and Serials
+43 1 31336 5607 | otto.bartl@wu.ac.at


Mag. (FH) Veronika Kunz
+43-1-31336 6042 | veronika.kunz@wu.ac.at

Guido Rauscher

Mag. Guido Rauscher, MA LIS
Liaison librarian: Finance, Accounting and Statistics (digital)
+43 1 31336 5475 | guido.rauscher@wu.ac.at

Karin Sohm

Karin Sohm
+43 1 31336 4942 | karin.sohm@wu.ac.at

Serials Management

Margret Schmied-Kowarzik

Mag. Margret Schmied-Kowarzik
Head of Serials Management
+43 1 31336 4918 | margret.schmied-kowarzik@wu.ac.at

Gabriele Böhm

Gabriele Böhm
+43 1 31336 5770 | gabriele.boehm@wu.ac.at

Andrea Brandner
+43 1 313 36 4932 | andrea.brandner@wu.ac.at


Manfred Hadraba
+43 1 31336 4933 | manfred.hadraba@wu.ac.at

Johanna Hubweber

Johanna Hubweber, BA
+43 1 313 36 6028 | johanna.hubweber@wu.ac.at


Johann Klima
+43 1 31336 4935 | johann.klima@wu.ac.at

Birgit Puntigam

Birgit Puntigam
+43 1 31336 5739 | birgit.puntigam@wu.ac.at

Media Management

Media acquisitions (focus on printed volumes, licensing of individual eBooks), metadata management, descriptive cataloging of media (including academic theses)

Maria Winkler

Dr. Maria Winkler, MSc
Head of Media Management
+43 1 31336 6162 | maria.winkler@wu.ac.at

Sarah Baloh, BA
+43 1 31336 5744 | sarah.baloh@wu.ac.at

Renate Brandtner
+43 1 31336 4994 | renate.brandtner@wu.ac.at

Karin Demmer
+43 1 31336 4170 | karin.demmer@wu.ac.at

Platzhalterbild Personal

Mag. Clara Gassner-Schneckenleithner, BA, BA
+43 1 31336 4473 | clara.gassner-schneckenleithner@wu.ac.at

Platzhalterbild Personal

DI Melanie Grader
+43 1 31336 6242 |

Dipl.-Ing. Brigitta Gregori
+43 1 31336 5743 | brigitta.gregori@wu.ac.at

Julia Jungwirth

Mag. Julia Jungwirth
+43 1 31336 ​6411 | julia.jungwirth@wu.ac.at


Katharina Kainz
+43 1 31336 6799 | katharina.kainz@wu.ac.at

Christina Schmidt, BA
+43 1 31336 5484 | christina.schmidt@wu.ac.at

Mag. Nicole Sommer, Bakk.phil.
+43 1 31336 6205 | nicole.sommer@wu.ac.at

Brigitte Tampermeier

Brigitte Tampermeier
+43 1 31336 4057 | brigitte.tampermeier@wu.ac.at


Brigitta Wiebogen
+43 1 31336 4056 | brigitta.wiebogen@wu.ac.at


Mag. Roswitha Zellhofer, BA
+43 1 31336 5741 | roswitha.zellhofer@wu.ac.at

Coordination Acquisitions


Elisabeth Zak
Head of Coordination Acquisitions
Deputy Head of Media Management
+43 1 31336 4915 | elisabeth.zak@wu.ac.at

Service Management

Information literacy, inter-library loans, order management, IT, library system, marketing and communications

Ulrike Kugler

Mag. (FH) Ulrike Kugler
Head of Service Management
+43 1 31336 5073 | ulrike.kugler@wu.ac.at

Information Literacy

Annabelle Jacobs

Annabelle Jacobs, MA LIS, MSc
Head of Information Literacy
Deputy Head of Service Management
+43 1 31336 4914 | annabelle.jacobs@wu.ac.at


Mag. Maria Haupt
+43 1 31336 4496 | maria.haupt@wu.ac.at


Marija Ivanovic, BA, MA

+43 1 31336 6795 | marija.ivanovic@wu.ac.at


Daniel Kufner, BA MA
+43 1 31336 4883 | daniel.kufner@wu.ac.at


Viktoria Wechselberger

+43 1 31336-6067 | viktoria.wechselberger@wu.ac.at

Inter-Library Loans / Document Delivery

Sabine Kernbichler
Document Delivery
+43 1 31336 4911 | sabine.kern­bich­ler@wu.ac.at

Elisabeth Ruhs
Inter-Library Loans
+43 1 31336 4912 | elisabeth.ruhs@wu.ac.at

IT/Library System

Gabriele Gartner
IT Systems Administrator
+43 1 31336 4944 | gabriele.gartner@wu.ac.at

Marian Alexander Jazwik
Systems Librarian
+43 1 31336 4907 | marian.alex­ander.jazwi­k@wu.ac.at

Veronika Leitner
Systems Librarian
+43 1 31336 5476 | vero­nika.leit­ner@wu.ac.at

Mag. Georg Mayr-Duffner
Systems Librarian
+43 1 31336 5738 | georg.mayr-duffner@wu.ac.at

Special Libraries

Operation of the study areas in the Library for Law, services for the two law departments and the Department of Socioeconomics, collection development, descriptive cataloging and subject cataloging in the fields of law and socioeconomics

Dr. Barbara Lindsberger
Head of Special Libraries
Library Head of Library for Law: Organizational matters
Liaison librarian: Business, Employment and Social Security Law | Public Law and Tax Law
+43 1 31336 5529 | barbara.lindsberger@wu.ac.at

Reader Service, Library for Law


Amadea Hafner
+43 1 31336 5745 | amadea.hafner@wu.ac.at


Irem Karaca
+43 1 31336 5754 | irem.karaca@wu.ac.at

Anida Kikić
+43 1 31336 5745 | anida.kikic@wu.ac.at

Eva Waclawek
+43 1 31336 5742 | eva.waclawek@wu.ac.at


Özlem Yalcin
+43 1 31336 5745 | oezlem.yalcin@wu.ac.at

Unit Law

Mag.iur. Livia Neutsch, BA
Library Head of Library for Law: Content related matters
Subject librarian: Law
Liaison librarian: Public Law and Tax Law | Private Law
+43 1 31336 4917 | livia.neutsch@wu.ac.at

Judith Schimpfössl

Mag.iur. Judith Schimpfössl
Deputy Head of Special Libraries
Subject librarian: Law
Liaison librarian: Public Law and Tax Law | Private Law
+43 1 31336 5042 | judith.schimpfoessl@wu.ac.at

Foto der Mitarbeiterin Sabrina Breiteneder

Sabrina Breiteneder
Subject librarian: Law
Liaison librarian: Public Law and Tax Law | Private Law
Legal Textbook Collection
+43 1 31336 5757 | sabrina.breiteneder@wu.ac.at


Halyna Witoszynska, MA
+43 1 31336 5391 | halyna.witoszynska@wu.ac.at

Unit Social Sciences


MMag.Dr. Gerald Prabitz
Liaison librarian: Socioeconomics
Subject librarian: Socioeconomics
+43 1 31336 4154 | gerald.prabitz@wu.ac.at

University Archives

Securing and processing of archived materials related to WU, the University of World Trade, and the Imperial Export Academy, and making these materials available, pre-archival advisory services for organizations and units that process data, advisory services and research activities regarding WU’s history, provenance research


PD Dr. phil. Johannes Koll, MA
Head of the University Archives
+43 1 31336 4707 |

Timea Rebstock, BA BA MA
+43 1 31336 4996 | timea.rebstock@wu.ac.at


Regina Zodl
+43 1 31336 4919 | regina.zodl@wu.ac.at

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