WU Campus

Funding for Books

Publication costs for Open Access books (Book Processing Charges, BPCs) can be financed proportionally from a central WU publication fund.

This funding option is designed as a pilot project for an initial period of 2 years; it is possible to apply for cost coverage for previously unpublished open access monographs and edited volumes up to a contribution of € 4,000 per book. Individual book chapters are excluded from funding. An application should be submitted as soon as contract negotiations with a publisher have begun.

What are the funding conditions?

The following criteria apply, whereby the final decision for approval lies with the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Third Mission:

Author or publisher employment relationship
  • in an ongoing employment relationship with WU or
  • as a civil servant of WU or
  • Emeritus/Emerita
Status of the applicant(co)author, (co)editor
Formal quality assurancethe publisher is listed in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) respectively in the Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA)
Third-party fundsPublications that are the result of third-party funded projects and for which publication funds are available cannot be funded.
Allocation principlefirst-come, first-served
Costs eligible for fundingBook Processing Charges (BPC) only, no other fees such as color printing
Maximum limit€ 4,000
What happens after a commitment?

Funding commitments are valid for a period of 12 months. The invoice will be processed by the University Library. If the maximum amount of funded costs is exceeded, the difference will be charged to the internal orders or cost centers specified by the authors or editors.

Indication of affiliation

In the publication, “WU Vienna University of Economics and Business” or “WU Vienna University of Economics and Business” must be stated as the organizational affiliation, which guarantees correct attribution of the service provided. Furthermore, the note “Funding by WU Vienna” must be included in the publication.

Further questions and contact options

Do you have questions about the Publication Fund for Open Access books or would you like to apply for publication costs to be covered? In this case, please contact open-access@wu.ac.at.