Academic Staff Council

Results of the AK election at WU


The Chamber of Labour (Arbeiterkammer – AK) election ended last week. Fortunately, quite a few WU employees exercised their right to vote on the last day of the election. Overall, the voter turnout at WU without voting cards was just under 38%. This is slightly lower than the turnout at the last AK election in 2019, when the turnout was 43.8%. The votes cast have now been counted, including the postal votes that were received on time. Without postal vote, the largest group at WU is the "Liste Anderl - Team FSG" (Fraktion Sozialdemokratischer GewerkschafterInnen) with 45.2% of the vote, followed by the list "Gemeinsam - Alternative, Unabhängige und Grüne Gewerkschafter:innen" (AUGE/UG) with 17.2%. They are followed by the "Grüne Arbeitnehmer in der AK" with 8.3% and the "Christliche Gewerkschafter und Gewerkschafterinnen" (FCG - ÖAAB) with 7.5%. In 5th place with 5% is the "LINKS Wien" list, closely followed by the "NEOS LiA" list in 6th place with 4.8%. The FSG thus gained 6.1 percentage points at the WU compared to 2019. The list AUGE/UG, however, collapsed by 22.8 percentage points.

The final election results for the AK Vienna election are also already available. At 40.2%, voter turnout this year was slightly lower than the 42.3% recorded in the last election in 2019. In Vienna, "Liste Anderl - Team FSG" (FSG) was once again ahead with 57.2%. Compared to the 2019 election, the FSG lost 3.5% percentage points. The "Freiheitliche Arbeitnehmer - FPÖ" (FA-FPÖ) followed far behind with 8.3%, a drop of 0.7% compared to 2019. They overtook the "FCG-ÖAAB Wien" with 6.8%, which corresponds to a drop of 3.0 percentage points. They were followed by "Gemeinsam - Alternative, Unabhängige und Grüne Gewerkschafter:innen” (AUGE/UG) with 5.1% and "Grüne Arbeitnehmer in der AK Wien" with 5.2%. Smaller left-wing lists made slight gains, with a NEOS-affiliated list running for the first time and also being represented in the plenary assembly of the Vienna Chamber of Labour with a result of 2.7%. Overall, the shifts in the balance of power in the "parliament" of AK Vienna are therefore very limited. The details of the result can be found in detail at

We would like to thank all WU employees who used their right to vote and thus set an example for a strong representation of interests!


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