The fourth EMAH Newsletter
In the fourth EMAH-Newsletter find some information about the last EMAH workshops in Györ and Vienna, a synthesis of the collected project data, as well as examples and tips for how to become eco-mobile yourself. You can download the newsletter here.
EMAH Workshop in Vienna on 18 February 2015

During the last EMAH workshop on 18 February 2015, which took place in the premises of the Government Building at the Vienna Stubenring, it came to the topic of "Mobility management: problem areas, new ideas and solutions." As part of the creative workshop traffic experts came together to discuss the subject of mobility management in small groups and to propose solutions towards eco-mobility. Specifically, the following three questions were discussed.
How do I get employees to commute eco-mobile to work?
How do I get employers to promote eco-mobility within their employees?
How do I get "politics" to promote eco-mobility for employees and employers?
EMAH Workshop in Györ on 16 February 2015

Different funding methods, tax advantages and other incentives for promoting and supporting eco-mobility, particularly cycling, were discussed in the last EMAH workshop organized by KTI in Győr. After giving the status of the project, colleagues of KTI presented the eco-mobility toolkit which recommends specific measures intended to increase the share of sustainable transport modes. In the second part of the workshop, legal and financing incentives of cycling as a commuting transport mode were highlighted via Austrian and Dutch good practices. The participants had valuable and constructive discussions on all the presentations.
EMAH Newsletter No. 3
In this newsletter you find reports on the car free day at Vienna University of Economics and Business, focus groups at ENERCON and Designer Outlet Parndorf, the third EMAH-workshop in Eisenstadt and the EMAH final conference in Vienna. You can download the third EMAH newsletter here.
EMAH final Conference, Vienna

On Monday 15 December, the final conference of the EMAH project took place in the ceremony hall 1 at the Vienna University of Business and Economics. After a guided tour of the WU campus with a special focus on transport issues the results of the EMAH studies were presented by the individual project partners. The conference was officially closed with a panel discussion on "The Challenge of mobility management".
3rd EMAH Workshop on 28 October 2014 in Eisenstadt

In the third EMAH Workshop, the previous project results that had already been presented in the first two Workshops were further commented and brought up on a broader scale and new findings that were elaborated in the meantime were put forward.
In this regard, the transport strategy of Land Burgenland was analysed in depth, presentations on the issue „Co-operation between transport companies and local companies“ were made including practical examples from Hungary, and the scientific background as regards the assessment of potentials for eco-mobility and their methodology were explained. The results of the recently organised focus groups were also presented and set in the context of the analysis at the participating companies so far.
Action Days Sustainability - Focus group at ENERCON
In the framework of the Action Days Sustainability, an initiative of the Austrian Ministry of Environment, a focus group discussion was organised on 8 October 2014 at the company ENERCON in Zurndorf in Burgenland on the topic commuting in the Austro-Hungarian border region. Issues concerning mobility and commuting behaviour were debated by 8 staff of ENERCON in a 60 minutes conversation.
In the discussion, topics such as e-mobility, commuting subsidy, travel time to the workplace, reasons for the use or non-use of cars, and other transport aspects were tackled. The focus group complemented the staff survey, the qualitative interview with the transport responsibles, and the on-the-spot analysis that were executed at the beginning of 2014.
EMAH activities on the Car Free Day

Like every year, also this year the Car Free Day took place on 22 September. Following the spirit of this day, members of the EMAH project team took the opportunity and distributed leaflets on eco-mobility at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) and organised a bike service free of charge for the employees of WU.
There was a heavy rush of people and Peter Vesecky from the bicycle workshop of the same name, who executed the bike check, had a lot to do. Highlight of the day: spontaneous help could be offered to a cyclist who passed by incidentally with a flat tyre!
The second EMAH Newsletter is here!
In the second Newsletter, there are reports on the mobility surveys at the EMAH co-operation partners, on the second EMAH Workshop on 18 June 2014 in Eisenstadt, and on the potentials for eco-mobility. More on this in the EMAH Newsletter to download here.
EMAH Information event on 23 June 2014 at Vorgartenmarkt in Vienna

The whole EMAH project team consisting of KTI, TU, and WU came together for an information event at Vorgartenmarkt, a small market in the second district of Vienna. The goal was to present the recent scientific work at the EMAH co-operation partners to a broader public. An exhibition with pictures of the on-the-spot analysis at the companies and organisations participating in EMAH and a tombola with eco-mobile prizes completed the programme. Several transport experts took part in the event and discussed about EMAH and other transport issues. There was also media interest in the event.
Second EMAH Workshop on 18 June 2014 in Eisenstadt

The results of all staff surveys, on-the-spot analysis, and interviews with the transport responsibles at the EMAH co-operation partners were presented at the second EMAH project workshop. In addition, the potentials for eco-mobility were analysed and discussed. Apart from the EMAH project team, several representatives of companies participating in EMAH, staff of transport companies, officials, and numerous other transport experts joined the workshop. The event is supposed to be the basis for the elaboration and implementation of eco-mobility measures at the EMAH co-operation partners.
The presentations of the EMAH Workshop can be downloaded here:
Presentation Vienna University of Economics and Business (German)
Current developments concerning corporate mobility management

Co-operation with selected companies and organisations in the programme area on mobility is the major activity of the EMAH project. This includes the analysis of mobility behaviour of the co-operation partners‘ staff and the elaboration of mobility concepts with the participating companies and organisations. Eco-mobility measures are envisaged that will be implemented in the sense of the environment and sustainability.
The companies and organisations that take part in the EMAH project are:
Vienna University of Economics and Business
In the past weeks and months, staff surveys on the mobility issue were held at the co-operation partners. This included questions on the respective households, the trip chain on a specific sample day, and general mobility questions. In addition, qualitative interviews with the transport experts of the participating employers and on-the-spot analysis of the corresponding transport infrastructure of the companies and organisations were executed. All this will now be processed and leads then to mobility concepts for the co-operation partners.
EMAH Project meeting on 13 May 2014 in Vienna

KTI, TU, und WU met for a project meeting on 13 May 2014 at the Vienna University of Technology. The project partners exchanged infomation on the recent project developments and planned the next steps. The topic corporate mobility management was in the centre of interest. The implemented research activities at the nine co-operation partners were presented and discussed. Methodological questions as regards the interpretation of the gathered data were debated as well as the mobility reports that will be worked out for the participating employers.
Final report on the EMAH cross-border railway and road survey
In the past few weeks, the report on the cross-border railway and road survey was finalised. The results of the extensive investigation were already presented at the EMAH project workshop on 4 December 2013 in Sopron and now worked out and edited more detailed.
A summary and the long version in English can be found here: /fileadmin/wu/o/emah/news/Verkehrserhebung_Zusammenfassung_EN.pdf
Summary: Report cross-border railway and transport survey (=> DOCUMENT FOR DOWNLOADING)
Long version: Report cross-border railway and transport survey (=> DOCUMENT FOR DOWNLOADING)
EMAH Project meeting on 5 March 2014 in Győr

The EMAH project partners KTI, TU, and WU met on 5 March 2014 in Győr for a project meeting. The currently running activities on the issue corporate mobility management were one the agenda, especially the staff surveys of the nine selected employers in the programme area and their follow-up measures. In addition, organisational aspects concerning the next project workshop and the second EMAH Newsletter as well as administrative issues were discussed.
First EMAH workshop on 4 December 2013 in Sopron

The first workshop in the framework of the EMAH project took place on 4 December 2013 in Sopron. At this event, the results of the recent cross-border railway and road survey were presented. Important players of the transport field attended the workshop.
The presentations of the first EMAH project workshop can be found for downloading here:
2. Train survey (May and July 2013)
A short film on the road survey can be watched here.
A report on the first EMAH workshop is included in the first EMAH newsletter