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Betriebsrat für das wissenschaftliche Personal

Immigration - Residency - Employment

WU has been continuously recruiting faculty and researchers from around the world for years,  making our working environment more colorful and diverse. A growing number of colleagues speak a variety of different languages, even if English is usually the lingua franca.

This increasing diversity is a very positive development. But while nationals of EU/EEA countries are able to settle here with relatively few bureaucratic hurdles, researchers from so-called third countries (ie which are neither members of the EU or the EEA) will invariably need an immigration visa and the appropriate permits to allow them to live and work in Austria legally, eg the “Red-White-Red Card” and the “Red-White-Red Card Plus”.

The WU Welcome Services office is available to provide initial information about such requirements. Your Personnel Office representative will also be happy to answer any questions you may have with regard to problems with the immigration authorities.

People’s experiences with the immigration authorities vary, as individual situations differ widely. However, the number of colleagues who have experience with these procedures is growing, and our goal is to bundle these experiences and make them available on a specially dedicated platform.

This platform is still under development, and we are still consulting with the Rector’s Council on where it should be located. We will of course inform you as soon as we know more. Until then, we, as your Academic Staff Council, are happy to act as an information hub: If you or your colleagues have experiences and best-practice examples to share, please feel free to send them to us at


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