Fünf Studierende sitzen im Halbkreis in der Wiese vor dem D2

International Summer University WU

Der Inhalt dieser Seite ist aktuell nur auf Englisch verfügbar.

If you are a WU student interested in the ISUWU - please find more information here.

Program Dates 2025

July session:
June 30 - July 18, 2025

August session:
July 21 - August 8, 2025

What does the ISU WU stand for?

International academic education

A team of experienced WU and international lecturers offer a large variety of business-related courses in English. These courses do not aim to provide basic knowledge, but to deepen the students’ understanding of business topics. Engaging teaching methods are used in all courses and are complemented by insights from experts of different fields.

Find out more about the academic program here.

Social networking

By attending courses, company visits, expert talks and social events together with peers from all around the world, ISUWU participants have many opportunities to get in touch with fellow students as well as companies, experts and practitioners from different business fields.

Unique intercultural experience

ISUWU participants will benefit from unique intercultural experiences by working in culturally diverse teams together with students from all around the globe. They can benefit from shared experiences and get deeper insights into different countries and cultures.

Important information at a glance

Impressions of former participants

Check out this recap of the ISUWU 2024 on the WU Blog!

Janice Fan
Janice Fan
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
ISUWU 2022 (undergraduate program)

"The ISUWU gave me an all roun­ded ex­pe­ri­ence, in terms of per­so­nal, pro­fes­sio­nal, and aca­de­mic de­ve­lo­p­ment. Th­rough the lec­tu­res, I have lear­ned and adop­ted the cul­tu­ral dif­fe­rence and cor­re­spon­ding busi­ness stra­te­gy fol­low by. As my first over­se­as exchan­ge pro­gram, ISUWU gave me an eye ope­ning and unfor­get­t­a­ble ex­pe­ri­ence."

Godfrey Siu
Godfrey Siu
University of Mannheim, Germany
ISUWU 2024 (graduate program)

"It is an ab­so­lu­te plea­su­re to par­ti­ci­pa­te in this pro­gram. I ex­pan­ded my ho­ri­zon a lot th­rough the in­te­res­ting cour­se of­fe­ring, con­nec­ting stu­dents from all around the world, and ha­ving a deeper un­der­stan­ding of the city of Vi­en­na and the Aus­tri­an cul­tu­re. Safe to say, this sum­mer is well spent with ISU. "

Julie Lipson
Julie Lipson
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University, Canada
ISUWU 2023 (graduate program)

"It is hard to find the words that de­scri­be the im­pact this three-​week exchan­ge has had on the per­so­nal, pro­fes­sio­nal, and aca­de­mic aspects of my life. If an­yo­ne is ever con­side­ring stu­dy­ing ab­road, I hope they have the un­i­que op­por­tu­ni­ty to make WU part of their jour­ney."

Last update: September 2024. All information on the ISUWU website is subject to change.