Zwei Studierende gehen in der Bibliothek die Stiegen hinunter

CEMS Corporate Partners

CEMS Cor­po­ra­te & So­cial Part­ner­ship is an ex­clu­si­ve academic-​corporate part­ner­ship based on a di­ver­se group of cor­po­ra­te and so­cial part­ners con­tri­bu­ting to the Al­li­an­ce and its MIM pro­gram and be­ne­fi­ting from pri­vi­le­ged ac­cess to a glo­bal pool of top ta­lent from the world’s lea­ding busi­ness schools. Since its founda­ti­on, CEMS has for­ged part­ner­ships with lea­ding com­pa­nies that share a strong local, na­tio­nal and in­ter­na­tio­nal re­pu­ta­ti­on and an in­te­rest in the de­ve­lo­p­ment of in­ter­na­tio­nal ma­nage­ment edu­ca­ti­on and re­cruit­ment. The part­ner­ship struc­tu­re en­ables our Cor­po­ra­te & So­cial Part­ners to con­tri­bu­te ac­tive­ly and be­ne­fit wi­de­ly on a va­rie­ty of fronts wit­hin the net­work:

  • Re­crui­ting and bran­ding tar­ge­ting CEMS stu­dents, gra­dua­tes and alum­ni

  • In­ter­ac­ting with top stu­dents th­rough CEMS MIM cur­ri­cu­lum ac­ti­vi­ties

  • Net­wor­king and bench­mar­king with HR, cor­po­ra­te re­la­ti­ons and ca­re­er ser­vices pro­fes­sio­nals across the com­mu­ni­ty

  • Con­tri­bu­ting to the stra­te­gic ori­en­ta­ti­on and ma­nage­ment of the al­li­an­ce