Arbeitskollegen machen entspannt Pause

Workshop 2

Der Inhalt dieser Seite ist aktuell nur auf Englisch verfügbar.

Career Planning, Application Writing and Interviews in Academia

Goals and Content

Starting from an overview on Academic Career Paths, the workshop first discusses questions like: What does it take to have an academic career? What are key qualifications and skills? Are there any options beyond professorship? How important is a plan B? The main focus is then on the application process: The application already starts with becoming aware of one's own goals, values and skills and then communicating those convincingly to the potential new employer in the written application. When it comes to the job interview, it is important to present one's own professional self with all competencies authentically and confidently. But how does this work? This workshop provides the participants with guided self-reflection and practical exercises to find the answers to these questions.

  • Academic career paths

  • Understanding the requirements of an academic career (qualifications & competences)

  • Visibility in the academic career

  • Seeing and showing your own qualifications and competences

  • The written application documents (incl. feedback on documents)

  • The interview

  • Preparing for an interview

  • Internationality

  • Different types of application procedures

  • Dealing with challenges

  • Appearing and communicating authentically and confidently 

  • Short inputs by Trainer

  • Interactive Exercises

  • Role Play with Feedback

  • Self Reflection

  • Peer Exchange


Dr. Neela Enke

Portrait photo of the trainer Neela Enke

Dr. Neela Enke is a certified coach and trained mediator specializing in conflict, diversity management, and career development in higher education and research since 2011. She has extensive training in intercultural competence, diversity management and systemic organisational development. She is a board member of Coachingnetz Wissenschaft e.V. and is actively involved in Fachverband für gender_diversity-kompetente Bildung und Beratung e.V. and Bundesverband MEDIATION e.V.

Dr. Enke has initiated events on mediation and conflict resolution at universities and research institutions and has served as a reviewer for research funding organisations in several countries. After her doctorate at Freie Universität Berlin she has worked as a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at various universities and research institutions in Germany and other European countries. She has also coordinated and managed research projects and initiatives at the European level. Dr. Enke provides training, mediation, and counselling services.