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Praxissemester beim Kelag-Konzern ab Februar 2023

Ab sofort schreibt der Kelag-Konzern mehrmonatige Praxissemester aus. Bewerbungen sollen ausschließlich über das Online-Bewerbertool auf erfolgen. Der Onlinebewerbung…

RSS Jura Liaukonyte

Last Research Seminar Lecture of this semester by Prof. Jura Liaukonyte, Cornell University

For our last Research Seminar Lecture of this semester, we had the pleasure of welcoming Prof. Jura Liaukonyte from Cornell University. She presented her work about patterns in brick-and-mortar and…

RSS Talk_Coleen Hamerling

Colleen Harmeling on morality and donation giving

In the latest talk of our Research Seminar Series, Colleen Harmeling, Associate Professor of Marketing at Florida State University, presented her research on morality and donation giving. We all hold…

Olivier Rubel

Olivier Rubel, Graduate School of Management, University of California Davis, US

Last week Olivier Rubel from Graduate School of Management, University of California Davis (US) have presented his latest research in our Research Seminar Series. For most firms the big part of…

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Open Position: Teaching and Research Associate

The Institute for Marketing and Customer Analytics is currently inviting applications for a Part-time, 30 hours/week position as a Teaching and Research Associate starting October 01, 2022 and ending…

Nadine Schröder presents what drives customers to engage in online reviews

Two presentations of MCA at EMAC 2022

Online reviews have become an important feedback instrument for both (prospective) customers and companies. Given their increasing importance, marketers are keen to understand and to monitor…

Michaela Draganska

RSS Talk by Michaela Draganksa, Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business (US)

Last week, Prof. Michaela Draganska, from Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business visited us and presented her research in one of our Research Seminar Series lectures. Usually, marketing…

Orhun Yesim

RSS Talk by Yesim Orhun, University of Michigan (US)

Yesterday, Yesim Orhun from the University of Michigan presented one of her latest projects in the Research Seminar Series. Her project “Motivated Optimism and Workplace Risk” deals with the return to…


Research Talk by Renana Peres, The Hebrew University Business School (IL)

We had the opportunity to welcome Prof. Renana Peres, the Head of Marketing Department and Vice Dean for External Affairs at the Hebrew University Business School in Israel as our fourth speaker in…

SBWL Messe

Brand New: Specialization (SBWL) in Digital Marketing

Thomas Reutterer presented our brand new and completely reworked specialization in Digital Marketing at ÖH-WU's SBWL Messe. If you want to prepare yourself for the challenges offered by modern…