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Events and Activities

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Explore our Master's Program further by visiting our Instagram and LinkedIn pages! Discover detailted information on administrative and application procedures, as well as insightful stories and experiences from previous and current students.

CEMS Club Vienna

The CEMS Club Vienna (CCV) is an association of CEMS students studying at WU Wien. As a networking platform between corporate partners, CEMS Alumni and CEMS students, the main goal is to combine the academic program with social and professional events. The activities involve decisions concerning the program content as well as organizing events with corporate partners, such as company presentations, workshops, rotation dinners, etc. In addition, various social and cultural events contribute to the club’s networking aim.

Follow CEMS Club Vienna on Facebook and on LinkedIn!

CEMS Club Vienna is not just a student organization. Its reach goes much beyond that. It is about making friends, nurturing the CEMS spirit among students and having unforgettable experiences. And together with the CEMS Club Vienna team, I want to ensure another amazing year full of insane memories.

Ines Weise, Former president of CEMS Club Vienna

CEMS Office

Furthermore, the CEMS Office organizes various social and networking events in cooperation with corporate partners as well. For more information check <link https: studierende mein-studium master international-management-cems news>News & <link https: studierende mein-studium master international-management-cems events>Events!

My responsibility is to create and maintain the relationship between WU CEMS students and CEMS corporate partners. To accomplish that, I involve companies in the CEMS curriculum and organize numerous events which not only allow students to enhance their skills, but also give an opportunity to corporate partners to meet their potential employees in both formal and informal setting.

Jana Vadura, CEMS Corporate Relations Manager

My job is to over­see all CEMS curriculum activ­it­ies at WU. For that pur­pose, I work with stu­dents, fac­ulty, ad­min­is­tra­tion and other schools in the CEMS al­li­ance on a daily basis to en­sure a smooth com­mu­nic­a­tion between all these parties.

Jana Salot, CEMS Program Manager

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CEMS Alumni