Petrasch, Sabine I.
About me
As a learning & development professional and e-learning specialist/instructional designer with an (educational) background in business (administration) and English, diverse interests and experiences, I consider myself to be somebody who provides services to all those at the Institute for Business Education who want to enhance the content of their courses with (multimedia) elements of eLearning or mLearning
In addition, I am happy to be able to contribute with my language skills and my experience in web design to the homepage of the Institute for Business Education.
With a passion for the medium film (and the belief that you can learn with and from movies!), I am particularly happy that I have been able to contribute the English subtitles for the Austrian film with additional value - Blockbuster – A Life in Moving Pictures!
Just as there is a story behind every movie, there are also stories about each of the entries under Professional Experience and Lifelong Learning that have shaped me - some that I cherish, but of course also some that it would rather like to forget ...
As a passionate hobby gardener, I also recommend crowdfarming.
My motto: "Keep your Feet on the Ground and Keep Reaching for the Stars." by Casey Kasem, who always ended his American Top 40 (= English-language memory from my youth) like that ...
Professional Experience
a selection ...
Since January 2018 Senior eDeveloper at the Institute for Business Education at WU Wien; together with Claudia Katnik eTeaching Award 2018 for the blended-learning concept in her course Foreign Language Communication I - Italian.
eLearning Assistant and subsequently (Senior) eDeveloper at the Institute for English Business Communicaton at WU Wien; together with Romana Zeilinger eTeaching Award 2016 for the realization of an inverted-classroom concept for her English Business Communication 3 course.
Until the end of 2024 selfemployed in the domains of web design, document management, research and movies
Product manager for flyer advertising wholesale at ADEG in Vienna
Marketing and sales assistant at Pischinger in Vienna
Nanny in multi-lingual households in Paris, France and Florence, Italy
Temporary replacement of the assistant to the managing director at Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. in Vienna
Lifelong Learning
a selection ...
currently Turkisch A1-1 ... Merhaba!
for my daily English training: Connections
and still podcasts ... e. g. Filmfilter and 365 - Über Medien reden [Talking about Media] (both of them in German)
time and again, podcasts ... I highly commend Team Human by Douglas Rushkoff
for a break in your thinking, so you can then (better) reorganize your thoughts, I recommend Arukone
and now a step-up from Wordle with Wordle x 4 = Quordle and Quordle sequence, respectively ... but also the mathematical equivalent to Wordle Numberle :-)
presently still Canvas and Planet eStream
for quite some time now, Wordle in English, German und Italian - I highly recommend them for training the brain with 5-letter-words! By the way, Wordle is also available in other languages.
almost every day Lexicon Valley, Happier in Hollywood, Mayim Bialik's Breakdown and/or Radical Candor
Bachelor program in English and American Studies (with Extension Curricula German Language, Basics in Further Education and Japanese Culture and Society) at Universität Wien
continuing education with MOOCs like #MeKoMOOC18: Medienkompetenz in der Lehre [Competency in Teaching with Media], E-Learning & Recht – Urheberrecht-Reboot [E-Learning & Law - Copyright-Reboot], Education in a Changing World, Financial Literacy (both at Open2Study, an Australian MOOC platform that, unfortunately, is no longer available ... only their videos on YouTube) and Programmieren mit Processing. [Programming with Processing]
Master program in Media & Education at Universität Rostock, Germany
Training course in Internet-Marketing at Werbeakademie Wien
Training in Multimedia Designer at SAE Technology College Wien
Training course in Project Management at WIFI Wien
MA Diploma in Business Administration with specialization in Tourism and Advertising & Market Research at WU Wien
Bundeshandelsakademie in Villach
Kindergarten, Volks- und Hauptschule in Villach
Other Recommendations
So that you can finally complete and submit your seminar paper, bachelor's/master's thesis ;-)
iMoox Wissenschaftliches Schreiben Schritt für Schritt von Christina Hollosi-Boiger, Katrin Miglar, Silke Schwaiger & Teresa Baier (loosely translated as Scientific Writing Step-by-Step by Christina Hollosi-Boiger, Katrin Miglar, Silke Schwaiger & Teresa Baier)
iMoox Was mach ich hier eigentlich? Die Bachelorarbeit schaffen! von Klara Dreo (loosely translated as What am I doing here? Finally completing my bachelor's thesis by Klara Dreo)