Langer, Herbert

Mag. Dr. rer. soc. oec. Herbert Langer

Mag. Dr. rer. soc. oec. Herbert Langer

Head of the Social Skills Program and Senior Lecturer


  • Social skills and personal development

  • Positive psychology

  • Stress management


  • Head of the Social Skills division

  • Lecture and workshops in the field of social skills

  • Teaching behavior training

My current courses can be found in the eVVZ (WU Course Catalog).

Professional Experience

  • since 2016: Head of the Social Skills division (together with Bettina Fuhrmann)

  • 2015-2016: Contract university lecturer at the University College of Teacher Education Vienna

  • since 2007: Freelance coach, mainly in the field of Team Development

  • 2001-2003: Academic staff member on the telematics project at WU Wien

  • 2000-2003: Assistant on the project Teaching Evaluation at the division for Business Education at WU Wien

  • 1998-1999: Associate at Institut für FIT-Management, management consultancy

  • 1997-1998: Associate at Ecor, management consultancy

  • since 1996: Freelance lecturer at various universities, universities of applied sciences and at the University of Teacher Education (Vienna) in the fields of Social Skills, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology, Didactics and Pedagogy

  • 1991-1996: Assistant in the division for business education at WU Wien

  • 1983-1986: Self-employed entrepreneur in the stationery trade


  • 2000: Graduation with a Master's Degree in Psychology from the University of Vienna; Continuing education in the areas of Mental Training, Self-Management and Coaching

  • 1996: Doctorate in Social and Economic Sciences

  • 1990: Graduation with a Master's Degree in Business Education from WU Wien

  • 1982: Matura at Bundesgymnasium Vöcklabruck