Team - Holiday availability

During the summer months of 2024, the Senate Office will be staffed irregularly due to holidays - please make an appointment in advance!

Please send urgent requests to the e-mail address

Thank you and have a nice relaxing summer!



Phone: +43 1 31336 5047

     Doris Binderbauer

  • Operational management of the Senate Office

  • Liaison between the Senate chair and the Senate Office

  • Coordinating processes, projects, results, and information between the Senate Office and relevant committees, bodies, and organizational units

  • Planning, coordinating, and managing the meetings of the Senate and the Senate working groups

  • Planning, coordinating, and managing the meetings of the Full Professors’ Association (Kurie der Universitätsprofessorinnen und Universitätsprofessoren) and the Board of the Membership Association of WU Full Professors (Konvent) as well as the associated working groups

  • Assisting the Oskar Grün Career Center Foundation

  • Providing information on senior faculty selection proceedings, within the scope of the Senate’s responsibilities

  • Organizing Senate elections and Rectoral elections, within the scope of the Senate’s responsibilities



Phone: +43 1 31336 5322

    Katarzyna Siwiec

       Scheduling and coordinating Senate committee
       meetings and providing assistance in
       connection with the meetings:

  • Research Committee & Ethics Board

  • Personnel Development Committee

  • Committee for Digital Transformation

  • Appeal Review Committee

  • Managing and assisting in habilitation proceedings

  • Data protection coordinator of the Senate Office




+43 1 31336 4592

    Lea Nidetzky

       Scheduling and coordinating Senate committee
       meetings and providing assistance in             
       connection with the meetings:

  • Committee for Financial Affairs, Campus Management, and Digitalization

  • Academic Programs Committee

  • Providing assistance to the meetings of the Senate, the meetings of the Full Professors’ Association and the Board of the Membership Association of WU Full Professors



Phone: +43 1 31336 4091

     Kristina Reinhart

  • Planning, coordinating, and managing the Stephan Koren Prize

  • Providing assistance to the Membership Association of WU Full Professors (Verband der Professor*innen der WU Wien)

  • Planning, coordinating, and managing the meetings of the Arbitration Board

  • Ongoing management of electronic communication media and archiving systems