Außenansicht des D3 Gebäudes

Campus Management

Furniture and Decorations

To bring any pieces of furniture to campus or put up any decorations, you need to file a written application with Safety and Security Management no later than seven days before the start of the respective event.

This application must include test certificates (test reports) on the materials to be brought to campus that meet the following requirements:

  • The certificate must have been issued by an accredited testing institution (as documented by the letterhead and the institute seal)

  • Dates of issue and expiration (pursuant to ÖNORM B 3800, test certificates are valid for a period of four years, after which the certificate must be extended or a new test must be conducted).

  • Classification for all three categories (B1 – flame retardant, Tr 1 – non-dripping, and Q1 – low smoke emission level, or A1/A2/B1 – s1 d0)

  • Scope of certificate: A test certificate always consists of several pages and includes

    • a description of the item to be tested,

    • the name of the applicant,

    • applicable standards,

    • a description of the testing procedure,

    • an assessment,

    • the classification (B1, Q1, Tr1 or A1/A2/B1 – s1 d0) and

    • usually an appendix with the test results in detail.

Test certificates should be written in German, because of the scope of validity of national standards. We do, however, accept test certificates from other EU countries in either German or English.

Test result sheets alone are not acceptable as documentation of a construction material’s category.

Decorations must be positioned securely, and precautions must be taken to ensure that they cannot tip or fall over. No decorations may be placed or hung in escape routes.

If you would like to talk to us in person, you can find us in the AD building, entrance A, ground floor.

Follow the link below for more information on our services and guidelines:

In case of an emergency, you can call the Security Center 24/7 at +43 1 31336 4000.

Contact person

Team Safety & Security
Tel.: +43 1 31336 - 4765