Academic Staff Council

Deletion of old course evaluations


With the changeover to the new learning platform CANVAS, the deletion period for student course evaluations at WU, which is set at seven years, is being implemented. The first deletion of evaluation results will take place on October 1, 2023. Initially, all evaluations conducted up to the summer semester 2016 will be removed. Subsequently, all evaluations that are older than seven years will be deleted at the start of each semester.

We therefore recommend that all lecturers save their previous evaluations in good time for any future use that may be required (e.g. for applications). After deletion, evaluation results older than seven years cannot be restored. For the backup of previous course evaluations, a practical bulk export is available in Learn, with which all previous evaluations can be easily downloaded as a ZIP file at the click of a button. To do this, go to “WU Course Evaluation (Archive)” in the left bar of MyLearn and click on Download in the "Evaluation reports bulk download" area.


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