Ein Mann hält ein Papierflugzeug aus einer Weltkarte in die Höhe


NEURUS – The Network

NEURUS (Network of European and US Regional and Urban Studies) is a unique program that enables participants to conduct research for their academic thesis abroad. In the summer semester, European students spend a research period at one of the NEURUS partner universities in the US, while US students travel to Europe to conduct research at the network’s European partner universities during the winter semester.

NEURUS for WU Students

WU students have the opportunity to spend a semester (typically the summer semester) at a partner university in the US as a NEURUS Exchange Fellow. This exchange program is designed primarily for research work, allowing students to focus on their academic thesis while studying abroad as a WU outgoing exchange student. Tuition fees are waived for NEURUS exchange students at both WU Vienna and the host university. The program offers strong academic integration, ensuring students receive excellent supervision and robust administrative support. Qualified WU students can apply for exchange placements at NEURUS partner universities for the upcoming summer semester. 

NEURUS partner universities in the US (applications are not university-specific, i.e. students are assigned to an appropriate host university based on their research topic):

  • University of California, Irvine

  • Arizona State University

  • University of Florida

  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Information session

Application requirements

Application documents

Application deadline

Scholarships and grants