Continuous assessment course (PI)

Courses with continuous assessment of student performance (PI) are courses in which attendance is mandatory and student performance is not or not exclusively assessed by means of a single final examination at the end of the course but based on a set of at least three performance components which the students have to complete for the course.
To attend a continuous assessment course, students have to sign up for the course via the LPIS system during the registration period. By signing up to a continuous assessment course, students are also automatically registered for all the performance components required for the course and do not have to sign up for each individual performance component separately.
Attendance and Absences
Simple attendance is a basic requirement for continuous assessment courses and does not constitute a performance component. Pursuant to the general guidelines issued by the Vice-Rector for Academic Programs and Student Affairs, the attendance requirement is met if a student is present at least 80% of the time. Students who fail to meet the attendance requirement have to be de-registered from the continuous assessment course as quickly as possible (with a “fail” grade or ungraded). Absences must not be considered in the calculation of students’ grades, as long as they fulfill the basic attendance requirement. However, absences may have indirect effects on the grades achieved.
Student performance is assessed on the basis of at least three performance components to be completed by the students as part of the course. A performance component is a specific piece of work to be completed by the students that can be graded individually. The performance components relevant for the final grade must be specified in advance and communicated to the students (in the course syllabus listed in the course catalog). Typical examples of performance components include for instance homework assignments, written proposals, project reports, seminar papers, presentations, midterm or final exams, and active participation in class.
If a performance component is essential for successful completion of the course and must be completed at a specific time (e.g. an exam weighted at more than 50%), students are entitled to repeat the performance component if they miss it for an important reason (e.g. illness or accident, confirmed by a doctor’s note).
Assessment of Student Performance
The overall assessment of student performance in a continuous assessment course is based on the combined total of the weighted assessments of the individual performance components. Students have to be graded if they have completed at least one performance component. Students who do not complete any of the required performance components are dropped from the course because performance assessment is not possible in such cases.
Repeating a Positively Graded Exam
A positively graded exam may be repeated once within a period of 12 months from the exam date.With the new attempt, the previously earned positive grade becomes void. This means that the repeat examination may also result in a lower grade. Applications to repeat an examination have to be submitted by email to the Examinations Office.
Viewing Exam Results
You can view your exam results within six months of announcement of the grades. You can make photocopies of the exam papers when viewing your results, but you are not allowed to take the original documents home with you.
Your Legal Rights with Regard to Examinations
In principle, it is not possible to file an appeal against grades received for completed examinations. If any substantial shortcomings occur during an examination, however (e.g. a fire alarm or a similar incident), students with a failing grade may submit an application for annulment of the examination within four weeks of announcement of the grades. This application must be submitted to the Study Regulations & Credit Transfer office (Study Service Center, LC building, level 2, counter 3) within four weeks of announcement of the grades. The application must clearly state and explain the shortcomings that occurred during the examination. Examinations that are declared void will not be counted as an examination attempt. Click here for more information on your legal rights with regard to examinations.
If a student is found to be cheating or to have cheated during an exam (e.g. using a crib sheet or other unauthorized aids), invalidation proceedings for the exam will be initiated. Exams declared void because of cheating will count as a lost examination attempt. Invalidation proceedings are initiated by Study Regulations & Credit Transfer and implemented in cooperation with the Study Support office. If a student attempts to take an exam on behalf of another student, he or she will – without exception – be reported to the public prosecutor’s office on forgery charges, which may result in a criminal record. You can find the procedure for cheating on exams here!
Information on Continuous Assessment Courses for Proctors
Please make sure to familiarize yourself with current regulations on courses with continuous assessment of student performance. For detailed information, please see the relevant Legal documents & internal guidelines.
The applicable rates for conducting exams and assessing student performance are specified in an operational agreement negotiated between WU, in its capacity as employer, and the Academic Staff Council.
You can find all information about remuneration for teaching activities here!