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Module Examination (MP)

In module examinations, students provide evidence of knowledge and skills that they have acquired in preparatory courses.

Preparatory courses & registration for the module examination

The prerequisite for registering for a module examination is confirmed participation in the preparatory courses (MPVs). For these courses there is a reduced compulsory attendance for the students (guide value 50-70% of the announced course units). There is no assessment of the MPVs and the students cannot acquire any points for the module examination in this course.

Holding the module examination

Module examinations can be held in writing or orally. At least 3 exam dates are to be offered per semester. Only after successfully completing the module examination, the students receive the corresponding ECTS. No ECTS are therefore awarded for participation in the MPVs.


Modul Examination written or oral exam

Modul examinations consist of a written or oral examination.

Repeating a Modul Examination

A positively graded exam may be repeated once within a period of 12 months from the date when it was taken. Once an exam has been repeated, the previously earned passing grade becomes void. This means that a student can also lower his or her grade by repeating an exam. Applications to repeat an examination have to be submitted by email to the Examinations Office.

Examinations by a Panel

In the main program phase, the third and fourth repeat examination attempts (i.e. attempts number four and five overall) are always held in the form of an examination by a panel of examiners. At the student’s request, the third overall examination attempt can also be held as an examination by a panel. The examination panel usually consists of three faculty members. Applications for an examination by a panel (this applies only to third examination attempts) have to be submitted by email to the Examinations Office. Examinations by a panel are held in exactly the same way as regular exams, and the sign-up procedures are identical, as well. The only difference is that the exam is evaluated by a panel of examiners. 

Grading Period

Exams and courses must be graded within four weeks of the exam date or the end of the course.

Viewing Exam Papers

Students can view their exam papers within six months of announcement of the grades. They can photocopy the papers, but are not allowed to take the originals with them.

Students’ Legal Rights with Regard to Examinations

In principle, it is not possible to file an appeal against grades received for completed examinations. If any substantial shortcomings occur during an examination, however (e.g. a fire alarm or a similar incident), students with a failing grade may submit an application for annulment of the examination within four weeks of announcement of the grades. This application must be submitted to the Study Regulations & Credit Transfer office (Study Service Center, LC building, level 2, counter 3) within four weeks of announcement of the grades. The application must clearly state and explain the shortcomings that occurred during the examination. Examinations that are declared void will not be counted as an examination attempt. Click here for more information on students’ legal rights with regard to examinations.


If a student is found to be cheating or to have cheated during an exam (e.g. using a crib sheet or other unauthorized aids), invalidation proceedings for the exam will be initiated. Exams declared void because of cheating will count as a lost examination attempt. Invalidation proceedings are initiated by Study Regulations & Credit Transfer and implemented in cooperation with the Study Support office. If a student attempts to take an exam on behalf of another student, he or she will – without exception – be reported to the public prosecutor’s office on forgery charges, which may result in a criminal record. You can find the procedure for cheating on exams here!

Examination Rates

The applicable rates for conducting exams and assessing student performance are specified in an operational agreement negotiated between WU, in its capacity as employer, and the Academic Staff Council.

You can find all information about remuneration for teaching activities here!

Please make sure to familiarize yourself with the current regulations on the conduct of examinations. For detailed information, please see the relevant Legal documents & internal guidelines. If you have any further questions regarding modul examinations, please contact the Examinations Office by email