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Current Faculty Exchange and Workshop Offers

Documenting and citing the use of AI tools and AI-generated content in student works.

What are specific recommendations from major publishing houses (e.g., Elsevier, Springer) and internationally recognized citation styles (e.g., APA, MLA, IEEE) regarding documenting and citing AI-generated content? Where can I find reliable information on this? What questions have been raised with me regarding AI support? What experiences have I had in my teaching regarding this?

Topics to be addressed:

  • How can AI tools support academic writing?

  • What suggestions exist within the framework of citation rules?

  • How can the use of AI tools be documented outside of citation rules?

  • What are your personal experiences with students on this topic?

Target audience: All WU teachers

Duration: 90 minutes

Minimum number of participants: 5 people

Language: German and English

Contact: Mag.(FH) Ulrike Kugler, Dr. Karl Ledermüller
