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[Translate to English:] Miriam Wilhelm

New supply chain legislation: A catalyst for sustainable development?

After some delays, on March 15, 2024, the European Council eventually passed a vote in favor of the new Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). This directive, intended to make…

[Translate to English:] Harald Oberhofer

The Sword of Damocles

It’s Friday, January 20, 2017, Washington D.C., shortly after 12:00 noon, local time. Donald Trump stands at the western front of the Capitol building, a few moments after taking the oath of office…

[Translate to English:] Collage mit Weltkarte und Fotos der WU-Professoren Gabriel Felbermayr und Harald Oberhofer

Shifting balances of economic power

Free trade agreements and economic globalization have gone out of fashion: Sanctions, protectionism, and fears cloud the outlook for a prosperous development of international trade relations.

[Translate to English:] Portraitfoto Lukas Vashold

New emissions model reveals problems with carbon forecasts

Researchers at WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) have developed a new model for forecasting greenhouse gas emissions. It shows that the global climate targets can no longer be achieved…

[Translate to English:] Gruppenfoto REMASS-Projekt

REMASS: Understanding our society's metabolism

The visionary REMASS project investigates the effects of crises on society's metabolism - and has been awarded funding of 7.1 million Euros by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) for the next five years.

[Translate to English:] Portrait Spiekermann

Setting limits for artificial intelligence

If AI systems make decisions solely on the basis of data and algorithms, it leads to ethically problematic outcomes

[Translate to English:] Portraitfoto Jurgen Willems

Election polls: A plea against polarization

Polling data is the most important currency in the run-up to elections. They can be used to amplify sentiment and to promote or demote candidates. WU Professor Jurgen Willems on the dangers of poll…

[Translate to English:] Portraitfoto von Chiara Fabrizi

Headquarters in Austria: “A great way to enter the European market”

Chiara Fabrizi from WU’s Institute for International Business is the co-author of the first comprehensive study on headquarters in Austria. We asked her what she had learned from analyzing 1,500…

[Translate to English:] Portraitfoto von Roberto Asmat

Crowd wisdom: A win for women musicians

Are experts really better at judging the quality of art than the general public? According to a study by WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business), this seems doubtful – at least in the field…

[Translate to English:] Portrait von Klaus Prettner

Can education compensate for population decline?

Birth rates in industrialized countries are falling steadily. But the fewer children they have, the more parents invest in the education and health of their offspring – making them more valuable to…