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[Translate to English:] Portraitfoto von Susann Fiedler

Inconsistent beliefs: Getting a grasp on contradictions

Many of our beliefs are more contradictory than we like to think. As part of a new Special Research Area, WU Vienna researchers want to shed light on the reasons why.

[Translate to English:] Portraitfoto von Marta Sabou

“Our goal is to grow a community of digital humanists”

How can we ensure that technology serves the people – and not the other way around? Questions like these are being researched at the new Doctoral College for Digital Humanism – a joint project of WU,…

WU Logo as fallback image for news article.

Brand selfies: How brands have the strongest impact on social media

50 million brand images are uploaded on social media each day. But not all brand images are created equal: There are Packshots, Consumer Selfies and Brand Selfies – but which of these work best?…

[Translate to English:] Portraitfoto Anton Pichler

Russian gas: what Austria and Europe have learned from their dependence

Austria's ability to weather Gazprom's recent gas supply halt to OMV highlights the significant progress made since 2022, when Europe faced severe economic risks due to heavy reliance on Russian gas.…

[Translate to English:] Portraitfoto von Victor Maus

ERC Grant for MINE-THE-GAP: Mining monitoring with satellite data and AI

As global demand for raw materials intensifies due to the material needs of digitalization and decarbonization, the new MINE-THE-GAP project aims to address a critical knowledge gap in mining's…

[Translate to English:] Portraitfoto von Jan Maly

How can we make online decision-making fairer?

From Doodle surveys to digital democracy: The internet gives us new opportunities to make group decisions. But how can such votes be made as fair as possible? This is what WU researcher Jan Felix Maly…

[Translate to English:] Portraitfoto von Mirijam Mock

Shared mobility: more challenging than expected, less sustainable than hoped for

Car sharing and other shared mobility services are supposed to reduce traffic and emissions – but so far, there has been little evidence of this. WU Vienna University of Economics and Business…

[Translate to English:] Portraitfoto von Jesús Crespo Cuaresma

New tool provides knowledge on heat stress vulnerability in cities

Heat-related deaths and diseases are a major concern in Europe amid increasing extended periods of extreme heat. A new study proposes a novel way of quantifying and projecting future vulnerability to…

[Translate to English:] Thomas Neier

Job Search in Green: How Employment Agencies Could Drive the Ecological Transformation

Employment agencies such as the AMS primarily exist to facilitate job placement. However, they could also help to steer our society in a more sustainable direction. In a new study, WU researchers are…

[Translate to English:] Portraitfoto von Klaus Prettner

How can wealthy nations respond to the baby bust?

In recent decades, fertility rates in high-income countries have steadily declined. A new study analyzed demographic trends and their consequences. The authors emphasize that despite the significant…