Hintere Außenansicht des D2 Gebäudes

Scientific Literature Research

Would you like to get an overview of the literature and the results on certain topics that are relevant to you or your organization? We would be happy to assist you, as we work through these topics in a structured way based on scientific literature research. As part of the WU Vienna, we have access to a comprehensive, constantly updated collection of monographs, collected works, scientific databases and journals. In addition, we provide expertise in the scientifically based review and analysis of specialized literature as well as in the structured preparation of scientific topics. In the course of a literature research, the identified studies are checked for their relevance and quality in a first step and then categorized according to the relevant content-related, methodological or structural priorities. Through targeted research, it is thus possible to pick up certain topics and to work on them scientifically, so that central findings from the specialist literature are presented to you in a clear and well-structured manner. With the focus on the effects of various interventions, we have extended the classical literature research with the own concept of the impact box to provide a clear and structured representation of the research output.

The impact box as an instrument for the impact analysis:

This concept makes it possible to categorize identified effects according to pre-defined temporal, structural or content-related dimensions and locate them accordingly in the effect box. Thus, on the temporal level, a distinction between short-, medium- and long-term effects is possible. In terms of content, for example, one can differentiate between social, economic or political effects. With regard to their structure, effects can be classified at the micro, meso or macro level. In addition, each impact is assigned to the appropriate survey instrument (indicators, items, scales), i. E. it shows how the respective effect was measured. The impact box works like a practical database which enables the user to call up the results at some later point in time.

Reference Projects


Mag.rer.soc.oec. Olivia Rauscher

Olivia Rauscher

Senior Researcher
Responsibilities: Social Impact Measurements focusing on SROI analysis, evaluation, social inequality, poverty reduction, health promotion and prevention