WU Campus

Textbook Collection

The printed textbook collection contains multiple copies of high-demand textbooks. A large proportion of the printed textbooks are located in the Central Library on level 3. Law textbooks are available in the Library for Law next to the front desk. In addition, many of the textbooks are also accessible as eBooks.

Acquisition requests via the read!t tool

The read!t tool helps you to quickly and easily compile clearly structured reading lists for your courses and is automatically available to you in the WU Syllabus via MyLEARN/Canvas. The information about the required books on your read!t list is automatically transmitted to the library. Students can also find information about the availability of the textbooks directly in the read!t list. (How many copies are still available? Is there a print or online version?)

Acquisition requests via WU Service Desk online (Jira)

If you do not use read!t yet, please inform the library six to eight weeks before the start of the semester if you need new textbooks or updated editions of existing textbooks. You can either send us an eMail at library@wu.ac.at or use the WU Service Desk online (Jira).

Please provide the following bibliographical details:

  • Title

  • Name of the author(s)

  • Year of publication

  • Publisher

  • ISBN

In addition, we need information about the expected number of course participants and whether the literature indicated is compulsory reading for the course (“mandatory” or “additional” reading). Please also let us know if you would like the title as an eBook.

Please note that lecture notes cannot be included in the textbook collection.