Women in STEM Workshop 2024

Ort: Startet am 13. November 2024 um 15:23

Are you a female student and considering a career in STEM?

Date and Time: December 5th, 2024, 13:00-17:00 (16:00-17:00 get-together)

Venue: D1.1.078 (information here)

Students attending the workshop will receive a certificate of participation from Deloitte. The registration for the workshop is open till 2nd December 2024.

Register now

The Institute for Information Management and Control organizes, in collaboration with Deloitte, the Workshop – Women in STEM. The workshop is targeted at young female students, in particular those attending our SBWL and those enrolled in the Digital Economy Master Program.

During the workshop, the presenters will give insights into their personal experiences and how they started their professional development. Additionally, first-hand information will be provided to participants interested in pursuing a career in the area of STEM. After the workshop, the students will have a chance to discuss specific topics or ask the guest speakers further questions during a get-together at the IMC Lounge (located in D2).


The registration period ends on the 2nd December 2024. For further questions, please send an email to anita.neumannova@wu.ac.at

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