Ilona Beliatskaya receives Tallinn City Scholarship

Ort: Startet am 10. Dezember 2024 um 10:00

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Ilona Beliatskaya, an Ernst Mach Fellow and visiting scholar at the Research Institute for Urban Management and Governance, has recently been awarded the prestigious Tallinn City Scholarship in Tallinn, Estonia. Her research on urban commons and citizen engagement practices in Tallinn was one of 16 projects to receive this recognition, as part of her PhD dissertation at Estonian Business School. Specifically, Ilona’s work explores the Tallinn Citizen’s Assembly on climate and green issues in 2023, and it emphasizes the importance of promoting community-driven initiatives and empowering citizens to actively participate in co-creating an inclusive and sustainable urban environment.

Congratulations on this outstanding achievement! 

The Tallinn City Council Scholarship, established in 2018 by the City of Tallinn, supports doctoral and master’s students whose research contributes to addressing urban challenges. For more information about the scholarship and its recipients (in Estonian): Tallinn tunnustas Raestipendiumiga 16 magistranti ja doktoranti | Tallinn

Ilona with her supervisor Kätlin Pulk

Ilona with her supervisor from Estonian Business School, Kätlin Pulk.

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