ICON.S Conference in Madrid

Ort: Startet am 17. Juli 2024 um 14:46

Von 8. bis 10. Juli 2024 fand die diesjährige Annual Conference der ICON.S (International Society of Public Law) zum Generalthema “The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability, and Artificial Intelligence” in Madrid statt. Das IOER war mit zahlreichen Beiträgen an diversen Panels beteiligt:

  • Katharina Fink sprach zu “Classic Instruments of Public Law: Reflections on Licensing” am Panel “Classic Actors of Public Law and Their Instruments: Outdated or Futureproof?”

  • Sarah Geiblinger sprach zu “The Minister and the ministerial system in Austria – Current challenges and proposed solutions” am Panel “Classic Actors of Public Law and Their Instruments: Outdated or Futureproof?”

  • Sophia Lienbacher sprach zu “The Austrian courts‘ approach“ am Panel “(Un)civil disobedience in & beyond the streets – climate activists, covid protesters & ‘Reichsbürger’”

  • Laura Pavlidis sprach zu  “Reichsbürger – a special case?“ am Panel “(Un)civil disobedience in & beyond the streets – climate activists, covid protesters & ‘Reichsbürger’”

  • Ulrich Wagrandl sprach zu “Too much liberalism, not enough democracy? Countermajoritarian institutions and democratic disappointments” am Panel “Liberal democracy under pressure” und zu “Beyond the bench: The role of constitutional court clerks” am Panel “How supreme and constitutional courts can make themselves resilient against democratic backsliding”

  • Claudia Wutscher sprach zu “Democracy and EU emergency law” am Panel “Someone please call 112: principles of an emerging EU emergency law” und zu “Same same, but different: On the Relationship of Code and Law” am Panel “The Public and the Private in Times of Digitalization: An (un)useful category?”


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