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Go Global - Your Event to Internationalize Your Studies

Der Inhalt dieser Seite ist aktuell nur auf Englisch verfügbar.
Here you see the "Go Global" event, students are standing at the LC forum

Timetable for Go Global 2025


Go Global is the information event to internationalize your studies. During the event, the International Office will provide information and advice on exchange-related topics. Come and talk to us and learn more about studying abroad, international short programs and grants.


The event provides the perfect opportunity for networking with former and current exchange students. Get first-hand information about partner universities from outgoing and incoming exchange students. In addition, you can get in touch with other WU service units and international institutions on site.


Every student has different needs and ideas about what international exchange looks like. Be inspired by the diverse options and find the program that suits you. There is something for everyone: from the traditional semester abroad to International Short Programs and online initiatives. It is possible to internationalize your studies at WU Vienna or abroad.

It is important to us that all attendees have the opportunity to participate fully in our Go Global event. Please let us know (goglobal@wu.ac.at) if you have any special requirements or concerns due to a disability or limitation. We want to ensure that we can provide all necessary support to make your participation as comfortable and successful as possible.