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Semester recap with WUMA

15. Juni 2023

Yet another semester comes to an end so let’s take a trip down memory lane. We put together a recap of the highlights of all the exciting events organized by the MSc Marketing Club WUMA this summer semester.

  • Pub Quiz x BizCom: To kick-off the semester, the trivia enthusiasts among the MSc Marketing and Business Communication students put their knowledge to the test and competed in a thrilling pub quiz night.

  • Beer Pong Tournament x CEMS: The beer pong tournament brought together students from the MSc Marketing and the CEMS program for an epic competition. Participants engaged in friendly rivalry and experienced an evening of fun and camaraderie.

  • Outdoor Yoga: Students took a break from the academic grind to join rejuvenating outdoor yoga sessions. Participants connected with nature, relaxed their minds, and recharged their energy.

  • Volleyball Tournament x SCM: Students from the MSc Marketing teamed up with Supply Chain Management students for a thrilling volleyball tournament. The tournament not only brought out the athletes in everyone but also fostered friendly connections and allowed for networking across the two Master programs.

  • Running Cocktails: To showcase their mixology skills in a fun way, students participated in a Running Cocktails event that brough out their creativity and allowed for socializing over delicious cocktails. Participants took turns hosting and thus got to experience different drinks, discover unique flavours and swap cocktail recipes.

  • Wine Hike: Everyone who lives in Vienna knows that a wine hike in the vineyard hills surrounding the city is a must. This semester was no exception. WUMA organized a wine hike to Kahlenberg where students stopped at different wine stations and enjoyed the stunning views with a glass of good wine in hand. 

We hope you all enjoyed a thrilling summer semester filled with engaging events and exciting activities that contributed to enhancing your university experience and fostering a sense of community in the MSc Marketing!

Follow WUMA on Instagram and LinkedIn for more updates on future events and opportunities.

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