Blick in das LC Gebäude

Research Seminar Series Daniel Winkler

24. Jänner 2023

Last week at our Re­se­arch Se­mi­nar Se­ries, Da­ni­el Wink­ler, a PhD stu­dent at the In­sti­tu­te for Re­tailing & Data Sci­ence (RDS), pre­sen­ted his cur­rent re­se­arch pro­ject on plat­form power and can­cel cul­tu­re.

In a col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve paper with Nils Wlö­mert (RDS) and Jūra Li­au­k­onytė (Cor­nell Uni­ver­si­ty), he ex­ami­nes the ef­fects of "can­cel cul­tu­re" on the con­sump­ti­on of an ar­tist's crea­ti­ve work. Using the scan­dal sur­roun­ding mu­si­ci­an R. Kelly as a case study and the music strea­ming data, Da­ni­el found that while there was a de­crea­se in strea­ming de­mand for the ar­tist's music, this was main­ly due to supply-​side fac­tors such as strea­ming plat­forms re­mo­ving his songs from play­lists, ra­ther than demand-​side fac­tors where con­su­mers chose to stop con­su­ming his music. This fin­ding sug­gests that con­su­mers can se­pa­ra­te the art from the ar­tist and con­ti­nue con­su­ming the pro­duct even if the “pro­du­cer” mis­be­ha­ves. The study also found that news about R. Kelly's court tri­als and do­cu­men­ta­ry re­leases had a po­si­ti­ve pro­mo­tio­nal ef­fect, sug­ges­ting that so­cial media boy­cotts can ge­ne­ra­te ad­di­tio­nal pu­bli­ci­ty and achie­ve the op­po­si­te of some of their in­ten­ded goals.

The talk sti­mu­la­ted vi­go­rous and con­st­ruc­ti­ve dis­cus­sion on the emer­ging phe­no­me­non of can­cel cul­tu­re that con­tri­bu­tes to a wide field of re­pu­ta­ti­on ma­nage­ment and is cur­r­ent­ly high­ly re­le­vant for mar­ke­ters. Many thanks to Da­ni­el for the pre­sen­ta­ti­on!

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