SAVE THE DATE: 3. ExInt Cercle WS 18/19: Influencer and Influencer Marketing: just a hype or a new reality?

24. Oktober 2018

Im Rahmen unserer Veranstaltungsreihe ExInt Cercle wurde folgender Vortrag organisiert:

Thema: „Influencer and Influencer Marketing: just a hype or a new reality“

Vortragende: Alexandra Palla, Austrian Food Blog Award


Influencer in general and Influencer Marketing in particular are on everyone’s lips. We feel extremely lucky to welcome an expert in this field, who is ready to share her knowledge and experience with us.

Alexandra Palla is an Entrepreneur, You-Tuber & Blogger and Influencer Marketing expert since 2011. Her agency “Alexandra Palla” is specialized on Blogger Relations and Influencer Marketing services. As a founder & organiser of Austria Food Blog Award since 2012, she is trying hard to communicate and implement high quality standards in order both, the field and the profession itself, to become more professional.


Termin: MI, 28.11.2018, 12:00-13:30 Uhr

Ort: TC.4.01 Hörsaal

Anmeldung über Doodle wird bis 21.11.2018 erbeten (keine Anmeldung für Studierende der LV International Marketing bei Dr. Zipper notwendig)

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