SAVE THE DATE: 2. ExInt Cercle WS 18/19: Because you are unique: Hidden champions and their unique competitive advantage

07. November 2018

Im Rahmen unserer Veranstaltungsreihe ExInt Cercle wurde folgender Vortrag organisiert:

Thema: „Because you are unique: Hidden champions and their unique competitive advantage“

Vortragende: Frau Mag. Mag. Bettina McDermott, International Marketing & Sales Director, MAM Babyartikel GmbH

Mag. Bettina McDermott, in her function as „Director of International Sales and Business Operations“ at MAM Babyartikel GmbH, is responsible for successful implementation of the international Marketing – and Business-Strategy of the globally acting Hidden Champion, based in Austria and Switzerland. As an accomplished international expert in marketing and sales, she is going to talk about the searching, finding and securing of the right positioning (company in general and brand in particular) – so called unique sales proposition, as well as about the unchangeable genetic code of the brand, but also how to most efficient use the brand strength and of course about the international environment challenges of operational plan execution.

Last but not least, examples from daily business in a multinational company will additionally highlight the ongoing challenge of decisions for or against standardization or adaptation of MAM products and brands worldwide.

Termin: Mi, 21.11.2018, 15:00-17:00 Uhr

Ort: TC.3.03 Hörsaal

Anmeldung über Doodle wird bis 28.11.2018 erbeten (keine Anmeldung für Studierende der LV International Marketing bei Dr. Zipper notwendig)

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