SAVE THE DATE: 1. ExInt Cercle WS 18/19: Targeting at its best by STRABAG: Business to Government in Southern Eastern Europe

23. Oktober 2018

Im Rahmen unserer Veranstaltungsreihe ExInt Cercle wurde folgender Vortrag organisiert:

Thema: „Targeting at its best by STRABAG: Business to Government in Southern Eastern Europe“

Vortragender: Herr Mag. Herbert Krutina, Strabag SE


We are excited to announce an expert talk with Mag. Herbert Krutina, Member of the Board and Head of Business Unit “Building Construction, Civil Engineering, Environmental Technology in Southern Eastern Europe”, at STRABAG.

Mr. Krutina is going to talk about company’s internationalization decisions and its very special market entry form in SEE in particular, the peculiarities of PPP (public private partnership) projects in the field of renewable energies and whether B2G was the only option or just a preferable one, in order to be able to stay and finally to succeed in the mentioned region and field. Furthermore, the participants will get a chance to hear out all the ins and outs of targeting the governments, as well as how to ensure, that the government pays a competitive price and even more, how to deal with bureaucracy and try to avoid the corruption in B2G.


Termin: MI, 07.11.2018, 12:30-14:00 Uhr

Ort: D3.0.225 Hörsaal

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