Das war der 2. ExInt Cercle im WS 2018/19: MAM. Because you are unique

22. November 2018

We were delighted to welcome Bettina McDermott, Director of International Sales and Business Operations at MAM Babyartikel GmbH, as our yesterday's ExInt Cercle speaker within the international marketing course of Viktoriya Zipper, PhD. Ms McDermott is responsible for successful implementation of the international marketing and business strategy of the globally acting Hidden Champion, based in Austria and Switzerland.

As an accomplished international expert in international marketing and sales she talked about the searching, finding and securing of the right positioning (company in general and brand in particular) – so called unique sales proposition, as well as about the unchangeable genetic code of the brand, but also how to most efficient use the brand strength and of course about the international environment challenges of operational planning.

Last but not least, our students have benefited additionally from numerous daily business examples in a multi national company as well as debatted a lot about the ongoing challenge of decisions for or against standardization or adaptation of MAM baby products and brands worldwide.

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