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Speaker Series at the Department of Strategy and Innovation | Professor Stefano Brusoni

01. Juni 2015

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Professor Stefano Brusoni (ETH Zürich)

Thema: Cognitive Flexibility as an Antecedent for Adaptive Decision Making: Evidence from two lab studies
By Daniella Laureiro Martinez (ETH Zurich), Stefano Brusoni (ETH Zurich) and Maurizio Zollo (Bocconi University)

Abstract (short):
This paper focuses on the analysis of the factors enabling decision-makers to adapt their problem solving strategies to the problems at hand. In particular, we rely on a combination of neuroscientific techniques (fMRI) and verbal protocol analyses to explore what cognitive abilities underpin problem solving in both ill and well-structured problems. We triangulate evidence from fMRI data with evidence collected through think aloud protocols. The former provides precise measures of individuals’ cognitive traits. The latter provides rich data about how different individuals actually solve problems. On this basis, we find that, in a sample of 49 comparable experienced decision-makers, high cognitive flexibility (i.e. the ability of breaking away from established ways of doing things) enables individuals to differentiate their problem solving strategies. When faced with a well structured problem, they make fast decisions, most likely based on habits and routines; when faced with ill structured problems, they take longer to decide reflecting the need for identifying missing patterns and connections. Attention control abilities are at the basis of cognitive flexibility.

Zeit:  Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2015 von 12:00 bis 13:30
Ort: WU Campus, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien, Teaching Center, Seminarraum TC.5.04 (5. Stock) Updates auf:
Um Voranmeldung wird gebeten bei Elisabeth Brunner (

Die Vortragsreihe wird gemeinsam vom Institut für Strategie, Technologie und Organisation (Christopher Lettl) und der Strategic Management Subject Area der Universität Wien (Markus Reitzig) ausgerichtet. Die Reihe adressiert Themen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Strategie, Technologie, Innovation und Organization Design. Ziel der Reihe ist die Ermöglichung eines Forschungsdialogs innerhalb des Departments und zwischen Departments sowie der Aufbau von Netzwerken zu renommierten Forscherinnen und Forschern außerhalb der WU. Auf finden sich aktuelle Informationen zu den kommenden Vorträgen. Die Reihe ist Teil des FORSCHUNGSPROGRAMMS OPEN INNOVATION am Institut für Strategie, Technologie und Organisation.

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