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Speaker Series at the Department of Strategy and Innovation | Prof. Meyer-Doyle

28. Oktober 2019

Das IfSTO möchte Sie herzlich einladen zum Vortrag von Professor Philipp Meyer-Doyle (INSEAD) Thema: Prior experiences of managers and responsiveness to performance feedback: Evidence from mutual funds

Abstract (short):

This study examines how the prior career experiences of decision makers systematically shape their responses to performance shortfalls. We posit that while prior experiences lead managers to develop greater levels of knowledge and skills, they also shape their mental models and enhance their beliefs about their abilities, their predictions, and their strategies, which in turn makes them less responsive to negative performance feedback. We find that more experienced and more specialized fund managers are less likely to initiate changes when faced with negative performance feedback compared with their less experienced or less specialized counterparts. Further, the context within which managers gained their prior experience matters. As performance deteriorates below aspirations, managers with prior experience in high-status organizations and those who have worked previously under munificent environmental conditions are also less responsive compared with their counterparts without such experience. Overall, our paper contributes to the literature on performance feedback by showing that prior experience of decision makers is an important factor that determines an organization’s propensity to initiate strategic change in response to negative performance feedback. Further, the study also contributes to the human capital literature by highlighting a potential unintended side effect of accumulated human capital, namely lower responsiveness to negative performance feedback.

Zeit: Donnerstag, 14. November 2019 von 13:00 bis 14:30 Uhr

Ort: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Raum TC.5.04, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien

Updates auf:

Um Voranmeldung wird gebeten bei Elisabeth Brunner ( bis 11. November 2019.

Die Vortragsreihe wird gemeinsam vom Institut für Strategie, Technologie und Organisation (Christopher Lettl) und der Strategic Management Subject Area der Universität Wien (Markus Reitzig) ausgerichtet. Die Reihe adressiert Themen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Strategie, Technologie, Innovation und Organization Design. Ziel der Reihe ist die Ermöglichung eines Forschungsdialogs innerhalb des Departments und zwischen Departments sowie der Aufbau von Netzwerken zu renommierten Forscherinnen und Forschern außerhalb der WU. Auf finden sich aktuelle Informationen zu den kommenden Vorträgen. Die Reihe ist Teil des FORSCHUNGSPROGRAMMS OPEN INNOVATION am Institut für Strategie, Technologie und Organisation.

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