Außenansicht der oberen Stockwerke der Executive Academy

IfSTO auf Annual Meeting der Academy of Management

07. Juni 2015

Das IfSTO-Team wird auf der Academy of Management Conference 2015 in Vancouver mit insgesamt fünf Beiträgen vertreten sein.

Zusätzlich zu dem Paper"What drives positive attention on firm-hosted user design platforms? An empirical study of the LEGO DesignByMe platform." von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christopher Lettl, Prof. Morten Berg Jensen, PhD (Aarhus University) und Prof. Dr. Christoph Hienerth (WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management) und dem Paper "Fly on the wings of R&D: Path dependence, path creation, and path separation" von Dr. Christian Garaus, Mag. Irina Koprax und Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H. Güttel (JKU Johannes Kepler Universität Linz) wird Professor Christopher Lettl einen Professional Development Workshop mit dem Titel "Wider Theoretical Implications of Business Model Research" leiten.

Zusammen mit Professor Thomas Ritter von der Copenhagen Business School organisiert Professor Christopher Lettl ein Panel mit namenhaften Forschern aus dem Bereich Business Model Research:

Panel members:

Außerdem organisiert Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christopher Lettl ein Symposium mit dem Titel "Linking Open Innovation to Business Models".

Panel Participants:

Zusätzlich wird das Paper "Research with Secondary Data: Different Matching Methods and is there a Difference?" vonDr. Steffen Keijl präsentiert.

"Our review of all SMJ studies of the last six years reveals that 63 percent use multiple secondary databases, but only 11 percent report how the connections between these databases were made. This limits the accumulation of knowledge on how information across secondary databases can be combined. In this paper, we report on four different methods of matching data across secondary databases. Through an investigation of the effects of different inter-organizational relationships on firms’ innovative performance, we show that reporting matching methods is important, because empirical results can differ due to different matching method used. This paper can support researchers, reviewers, and editors in making better-informed decisions about how different secondary databases can and should be matched."

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