Außenansicht der oberen Stockwerke der Executive Academy

Dr. Sonja Sperber as Panelist at “WU matters. WU talks.”

23. Oktober 2023

AI technologies will significantly shape the future of work, society, and the labor market. However, such AI systems mirror human preferences and thinking, so are potentially biased. How can we ensure that these systems do not disadvantage certain groups? How can they be programmed to be equally fair for all users?

Under the title of “AI and Equal Opportunities – How (Un)Fair is Artificial Intelligence?”, Dr. Sonja Sperber (IfSTO, WU), Prof. Dr. Verena Dorner (Digital Ecosystems, WU), Prof. Dr. Johanna Pirker (Media Informatics, LMU and TU Graz), and Dr. Michael Platzer (Co-Founder/Chief Strategist of Mostly AI) discussed these questions at the “WU matters. WU talks.” event on 18th October 2023.

The central question of the panel discussion, which was moderated by Jan A. Poczynek (Co-Founder and Managing Director of nowEvolve in Vienna), revolved around how groups of individuals may be disadvantaged or overlooked in the collection of data as well as the creation of algorithms for AI technologies, and how this can be solved in the long run to create fair algorithms.

For more information on the panel series, please see

Pictures: Copyright @WUtv

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