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Brown Bag Seminar - Elias Rantapuska

25. April 2022

Wir freuen uns, für 25. April 2022, ein Brown Bag Seminar ankündigen zu können.

Als Vortragenden dürfen wir Elias Rantapuska (Aalto University School of Business) begrüßen.

Er wird sein Paper “The Banker in Your Social Network” (Co-Autoren Samuli Knüpfer und Theresa Spickers) vorstellen.

Abstract We study how bankers affect the financial decisions of their social connections. Comprehensive register data allow us to track transitions into the finance industry and to relate these transitions to the individual’s family members’ participation in financial markets. An identification strategy utilizing within-individual variation reveal a strong positive effect of a banker on the participation of her family members. This effect is larger for individuals who do not participate in financial markets, for low-income and low-education individuals, and for riskier asset classes, and it declines in the social distance to the family member. Our results suggest financial expertise travels in social networks. This insight is relevant for understanding the design of policies attempting to improve financial literacy, the impact and value of financial advice, and the value of expertise in financial markets.

Keywords: Social interaction, peer effects, knowledge spillovers, financial advice

Das Brown Bag Seminar findet am 25. April 2022 hybrid im Raum TC.4.01 von 12:00-13:00 Uhr statt.

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