Former Team Members

In alphabetical order ...

... we have created a place on this page where we say goodbye to team members who have gone part of their way with us at the Institute for Business Education ...

Dr. Christine Steiger (1947 - 2010)
Christine Steiger

Dr. Christine Steiger retired on September 1, 2008. Dr. Steiger worked at the BE chair for more than 40 years. During her professional career, she taught around 4,000 students at the BE chair alone, especially in the Didactics of Accounting - together with Prof. Schneider - and did pioneering work in subject-specific didactics for decades.

Considering that Dr. Steiger was responsible for the introductory courses in accounting at WU for many years, the number of students who were introduced to the world of accounting by her is in the five-digit range. In addition, Dr. Steiger has developed several subject-specific classics in the field of accounting that have reached bestseller status.

Dr. Christine Steiger remained with the Chair of Business Education as a lecturer after her retirement until her untimely death at the age of only 64.

Book publications:
  • Steiger, Ch., Gründl, C., Schneider, D.: Title: Rechnungswesen leicht verständlich [Accounting easy to understand], Manz-Schulbuch-Verlag, 2005

  • Grohmann-Steiger, Ch., Schneider, W., Eberhartinger, E.: Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium [Introduction to Accounting for Self-Study], Facultas-Verlag, Wien, 2004

  • Schneider, W., Hacker, R., Steiger, Ch.: Persönlichkeitsbildung und soziale Kompetenz [Personal Development and Social Skills], Manz-Verlag, 2004