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Check-In for course instructors

What is WU Check-In?

WU Check-In ( is a web application that all WU students can use to announce their attendance at courses with compulsory attendance, provided that the course instructors have selected this option in the LV-Admin. Other options for attendance control can still be used, e.g. signature lists.

Using WU Check-in, you have the possibility to check the actual presence of students in courses with compulsory attendance (PI, VUE, MPV, FS, AG) quickly and easily.  Course instructors receive the attendance lists 15 minutes after the end of the course, as an Excel file, by e-mail. For courses that take place externally, there is still a need for separate documentation of attendance.

Please inform your students explicitly before the start of the course that you want to record the attendance via this tool.

How does WU Check-in work?

Dashboard – overview

Once you have logged in to WU Check-in with your login details, you will see the dashboard.

  • Here you can find your latest courses. You can change the date via the calendar function.

  • Find an overview of how many students have already checked in for your class.

  • You can switch to the detailed view of your course via the button "Show attendance list".

Dashboard Detail
Dashboard – details
  • You will see all students who are signed up for the course, including their check-in status (checked in on campus or online, not checked in). Please remind your students to check in based on this information.

  • You will also see students who are not signed up if they have checked in.

  • You can check in individual students on campus if necessary.

Especially for large-scale courses, it is recommended to check the actual attendance randomly or based on the dashboard (e.g. number of students in the auditorium versus number of students on the dashboard).

manueller Check-in
Dashboard – substitute check-in on behalf of a student

If a student is unable to check him/herself in to a unit of your course/exam, you can check that person in yourself.

This is only possible under the following conditions:

  • The student is signed up for the course/exam

  • The student attends the unit on campus

On the dashboard, click on “On campus” in the detailed view for the  student in question, enter the seat number that the student provides to you, and confirm the check-in.

Download: attendance list

As course instructor, you will automatically receive the attendance lists as an Excel file by e-mail 15 minutes after the end of the course unit.

You can also download the lists earlier from Dashboard (detail view of the course/exam). Please note that the data will be stored only for the current term.

Anwesenheitsliste Excel
Attendance list

Sample attendance list with all available status information data, comparable to the detail view in the dashboard.

Click here for more details

What information should I communicate to my students regarding WU Check-In?
How can I manage the attendance records for my course via WU Check-in?
What is the Dashboard and what do I use it for?
What can I do if I don’t receive my attendance list by email?
What can I do if students can’t check in because their cell phone battery is low or they don’t have a smartphone?
What do I do if students can't log in?
Can students check in who are not registered for my course?
Check-in - switch
What can I do if a course does not appear in my overview?
What if the system does not work?
What happens to my data and who has access to it?

For questions or other technical problems, please contact our IT Service-Team!