Eine Studierende sucht etwas in der Bibliothek


curriculum 2009curriculum version 2018, 2019, 2022
Preliminary confirmation of supervisor
You need to show this form at the admissions office in order to be able to enrol in a doctoral program. Afterwards, please hand it in at the doctoral office in order to be able to register for the seminars in the subject of your dissertation
Preliminary confirmation of main supervisor
You need to show this form at the admissions office in order to be able to enrol in a doctoral program. Afterwards, please hand it in at the doctoral office in order to be able to register for the seminars in the subject of your dissertation
does not applyDissertation Agreement
Please submit the signed agreement to the doctoral office in the course of the first year (at the latest together with your Research Proposal).
Information sheet Credit transfer for participation in conferences Information sheet Credit transfer for participation in conferences
Information sheet Research ProposalInformation sheet Research Proposal
does not applyInformation sheet Supervision Team/Doctoral Committee
Approval of the Research Proposal by the supervisor
to be handed in at the doctoral office together with the Research Proposal
Approval of the Research Proposal by the main supervisor
to be handed in at the doctoral office together with the Research Proposal.
Data sheet (Personalerhebungsbogen) for external examiners
 Info sheet: Completing your studies
Notification of topic and supervisor of the thesis
to be handed in at the doctoral office together with the Research Proposal.
Data sheet (Personalerhebungsbogen) for external committee members
Request for allocation of the Doctoral Committee
to be handed in at the Doctoral Office at least 4 weeks before the registration of the defensio or the submission of the bound dissertation.
Data sheet (Personalerhebungsbogen) for external examiners
Request for changing the doctoral committeedoes not apply
Information of the academic director of doctoral studies about withholding access to the dissertationInformation of the academic director of doctoral studies about withholding access to the dissertation
Dissertation upload until February 28, 2025:    Regulations for the bound dissertation   These 3 forms have to be bound into the dissertation as the first 3 pages:page 1
page 2
page 3
Dissertation upload until February 28, 2025: Regulations for the bound dissertation   These 3 forms have to be bound into the dissertation as the first 3 pages:page 1
page 2
page 3
Dissertation upload from March 1, 2025 onwards:   Regulations for the bound dissertation   Template Cover PageDissertation upload from March 1, 2025 onwards:   Regulations for the bound dissertation   Template Cover Page
Request for the grading of the dissertation (please send to Doctoral Office after upload)Request for the grading of the dissertation (please send to Doctoral Office after upload)
Grading protocol of the dissertation (please send to Doctoral Office after upload, without the grades/signatures of the examiners)Grading protocol of the dissertation (please send to Doctoral Office after upload, without the grades/signatures of the examiners)
Registration for the Defensio DissertationisRegistration for the Defensio Dissertationis