Studierende lernen in der Bibliothek

General Information

We are available via e-mail, and via phone at the following times: Mo - Fr 9 am - 12 noon and Wed 2 - 5 pm

 If you would like to come to the office personally, please arrange an appointment with us in advance via e-mail to  We are also available for online conversations via MS Teams (on prior appointment via e-mail).

You can send us the Research Proposal and forms via e-mail. 

Curriculum changes 2018

Changes to the curricula apply to all students who started a doctoral or PhD program since the summer semester 2018 (because the by-laws changed on 1.1.2018). For all doctoral and PhD students who started their studies before that time, nothing will change unless they voluntarily switch to the new version.

Office hours of academic director

The academic director for doctoral and PhD studies, Univ.Prof. Dr. Thomas Reutterer, holds office hours on appointment. They are for discussing individual problems and requests; if you need more general information about WU's doctoral/PhD programs (which courses to attend, tips how to find a supervisor, etc.), please contact the Doctoral Office.

The office hours take place at the Doctoral Office (Campus WU, Building LC, 2nd floor, Study Service Center). To make an appointment, please send an e-mail containing information about your request to

Currently published Research Proposals

Re­search Pro­pos­als are pub­lished on the first day of each month.

Learn more!

Doctoral Program in Social and Economic Sciences 2007