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Career Development Program for Postdocs Non-Tenure-Track

Quo vadis postdoc?

As a non-tenure track assistant professor at WU, you are aware from the start of your employment that you will be facing a career change after six years. The everyday demands of research and teaching, however, can make it hard to find time to make plans for your future career after you leave WU. This can lead to anxiety and missed opportunities, especially as your contract period draws to a close.

This is where the WU Career Development program comes in: We are here to help you envision your (academic) career after WU and to support you in implementing your plans in a timely manner.

Target group

What can the program do for you?

What to expect

Available Career Development modules at a glance

When you meet with the Personnel Development representative, you will put together your own, individual career development package including one, more, or all of the following modules:

Career coaching

Career talks

Peer groups

Application seminar

How can I participate?

I. If you are a non-tenure track assistant professor at WU, you will be sent a written invitation to participate in the Career Development program around two years after commencement of your employment. After you reply indicating your interest in the program, you will be invited to the start-off workshop, which is usually held each fall.

II. The start-off workshop will provide you with some general information about the program, what it’s all about and how it’s organized, and an overview of available coaches. You’ll have the opportunity to review which of the modules could be most interesting and useful for you. Peer groups made up of 5-8 of your postdoc colleagues will also be put together at this time.

III. The final details of your individual Career Development program will then be discussed at a personal meeting between you and a representative from the Personnel Development Office. At this meeting, we will go over all the possibilities and individual offers the program provides and discuss your individual situation, so that we can put together a custom-tailored Career Development package that’s right for you.

IV. The rest of your individual Career Development program is mainly self-organized. Depending on your selected module or modules, this may include:

  • One-on-one career consulting (6-8 60-minute sessions)

  • Career talks with one or more individuals working in your academic field

  • Job application seminars

  • Peer group meetings to help you systematically implement your action plan

V. You will be issued a confirmation of successful participation after completion of the program. To receive your confirmation, you only need to complete a brief quality control survey once during the program and once after completing the program.

What do you have to do for the program?

Participation fees

Learn more!

Workshops for Postdocs